Page 30 - Problems Pop Up_Neat
P. 30
of letting troubling situations separate
you from God.
Run to Him, not from Him.
It is possible for God to change a
situation. At other times, we can depend
on Him for the strength and endurance to
weather the storm. Peter said, “Give all
your worries and cares to God, for he
cares about you” 1 Peter 5:7 NLT.
Focusing on problems or worrying
about future problems that we think might
pop up, only drains our energy. An avid
basketball player told me that she sees
herself placing what is troubling her into
a basketball and bouncing it up to God.
Worry will not overwhelm us when
the Lord is our focus. Giving Him control
of the situation relieves our worrying.
Jesus will see us through. He is our place
of rest and our shelter from the storms.
The writer of this Psalm wrote: