Page 29 - Problems Pop Up_Neat
P. 29
Him when something goes wrong in their
life or when something bad happens.
Some people ask, “If God loves me,
why did He let me suffer so?” Certainly,
many situations are tragic and painful.
And loss may feel unbearable. But He
does want good things for us.
“Every good and perfect gift is
from above, coming down from
the Father of the heavenly lights,
who does not change like shifting
shadows.” James 1:17
The bad things you may experience
are not what God desires for you as His
child. It is not His best for you. He is not
to blame for things that go wrong.
The decisions of others can affect us.
Now and then, our own choices may
affect us in a negative way. It could be
possible that Satan’s influence is working
undercover. Time and chance happen to
us all. So, be sure not to fall into the trap