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Below are just a few of the questions Department employees How does EO 14035 define DEIA?
are encouraged to use when considering how best to integrate
DEIA into its management practices. Diversity is the practice of including the many
» General DEIA: Does leadership routinely advertise DEIA- communities, identities, races, ethnicities,
related training opportunities to all employees? backgrounds, abilities, cultures, and beliefs of
the American people, including underserved
» Diversity: Are job announcements and position communities.
descriptions written with gender neutral language,
removing wording that traditionally attracts men more Equity is the consistent and systematic fair, just,
than women? For example, replace “strong,” “competitive,” and impartial treatment of all individuals, including
and “assertive” with “exceptional” and “motivated." individuals who belong to underserved communities
» Equity: Are all employees equitably offered career that have been denied such treatment.
advancement and training opportunities and are selection Inclusion is the recognition, appreciation, and use of
criteria shared with and understood by all employees? the talents and skills of employees of all backgrounds.
» Inclusion: Does management model and expect inclusive Accessibility is the design, construction,
behavior, communication, and teamwork and hold all development, and maintenance of facilities,
employees accountable for their behavior? information and communication technology,
» Accessibility: Are accessibility best practices used, such programs, and services so that all people, including
as universal design in planning and execution of meetings persons with disabilities, can fully and independently
and events, including on virtual platforms? use them.
Performance review tips from WSJ
It’s that time of year again when bosses and workers take a moment just to discuss YOU! The
contributions you’ve made since your last review and the goals and expectations you’ve met (or not)
along the way. It’s also a perfect time to make plans for the upcoming year. Performance review season
doesn’t need to be a reason to stress out but can serve as a valuable platform for exchanging ideas and
considering different perspectives. An effective performance review discussion is at its core a two-
way conversation. An opportunity to have meaningful dialog one-on-one with your supervisor where
the topics center on your professional progress and achievements, as well as the challenges you’ve encountered since the last
assessment. It also offers a chance to examine issues of importance to your professional growth and career path within the
company and to brainstorm ways to improve your performance going forward. Performance review meetings can also be an
ideal time for employees to offer constructive feedback to supervisors that could potentially benefit all parties.
To make the performance review process work better for you, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) offers 10 bits of commonsense
advice for making the most of your annual review. As with most things in life, preparation is key. So, take some time to consider
and prepare:
1. Understand the purpose of your performance review 6. Show how you have adjusted to a challenging
know why you’re there and be ready to talk about topics of situation – describe how you effectively prevailed over
most importance to you. some of the challenges you encountered over the review
2. Focus on specific contributions – be ready to discuss period
how your involvement was vital to project success and 7. Gather up your notes to produce a self-evaluation –
valuable to the company organize your thoughts and document your achievements
3. Leverage co-worker feedback – if possible, know how beforehand and be prepared to present an honest portrayal
your peers and stakeholders view your participation of your work activities, significant efforts, and professional
and performance to bolster and support your own self- growth over the past year
assessment 8. Whatever your performance rating, don’t play
4. What was expected of you? Make sure to show how you defense – remember that you and your supervisor are on
met the expectations expressed in your last review, and if the same team and working towards the same goals, so be
possible, demonstrate where your performance exceeded receptive to candid feedback
those expectations 9. Think about areas of improvement for your next
5. Show how you have tried to improve yourself – come review – think about and be ready to discuss areas that
ready to offer evidence of your efforts to better yourself and you or your supervisor have targeted for attention. Show
prepare you for the next step in your career path your intentions for professional growth by outlining plans
for continuing education, technical skills development, etc.
10. Track your progress regularly to prepare for your
next performance evaluation – keep a record of your
4 | the MIL connection | winter 2022 progress towards your professional goals and solicit interim
feedback from your supervisor when necessary