Page 9 - The MILConnection: Winter 2022
P. 9

employee stories

        GRFIN goes to Germany

        The MIL REPS sector recently supported the on-site
                                                               delay. Our team was able to rapidly adapt to the difficult
        integration and test of two communications shelters for Special
                                                               circumstances and successfully complete the Radio Shelter
        Operations Command Europe (SOCEUR) in Germany. This
                                                               integration efforts. The response exemplified MIL’s innovation
        work was performed under MIL’s Global Radio Frequency
                                                               and dedication to meeting the customer’s needs.
        and Intelligence Networks (GRFIN) contract supporting Naval
        Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) Webster   Another team of MIL REPS employees traveled to Germany
        Outlying Field (WOLF). The shelters are an integral part of   in August to complete integration of the Training Shelter. The
        a radio communications site that provides SOCEUR with   Training Shelter was constructed from two ISO 1AAA shipping
        training capabilities and continuity of operations (including   containers combined to create a classroom facility that can
        forward communications, mission planning, and tactical   be repurposed as a tactical operations center as required for
        operations command and control). MIL has supported this   SOCEUR missions. The shelter included desks for 16 students,
        project since 2019 with engineering, project management,   an instructor podium, connectivity to multiple networks,
        procurement, integration, and test services.           and an audio/video suite consisting of large displays, video
                                                               teleconferencing equipment, speakers, and microphones.
        In May of 2021, MIL representatives traveled to the site
                                                               We also installed a protected distribution system for secure
        outside of Stuttgart, Germany, to integrate communications
                                                               network cabling within the Training Shelter. Our integration
        equipment into the Radio Shelter. An ISO 1AAA shipping
                                                               team performed exceptionally well and exceeded customer
        container, measuring 40 feet long by 8 feet wide by 9.5 feet
        tall, was customized to provide SOCEUR with two secure
        work areas: a conference room and a communications room.   MIL REPS employees that supported on-site integration
        Installed technologies include radios and amplifiers, network   activities include Josh Pierce, Casey Woodburn, Javiel Diaz,
        equipment for multiple enclaves, audio/video equipment, and   Shaun Parvin, and Garrett Smith. Additional SOCEUR
        security components.                                   project support was provided by Jeff Dickens, Adam Burton,
                                                               Darwin Johnson, Tim Mills, Scott Patz, Jeffrey Greene, and
        The integration effort, which lasted one month, presented the
                                                               countless others on MIL’s Admin, Procurement, Warehouse,
        team with many challenges. COVID-19 restrictions required
                                                               Engineering, Drafting, Production, and Test Teams.
        team members to quarantine at their hotel for the first eight
        days after arriving. The day before the shelters were scheduled   Great job all!
        to be delivered, the shipping company injected a six-day

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