Page 25 - KCMINIST_Benefit Booklet_0418_PEB
P. 25

Coverage for Your Spouse

               You can secure AD&D insurance for your spouse if you select coverage for yourself.

                 AD&D (Accidental Death & Dismemberment) | Spouse
                                                  50% of the employee coverage amount ($250,000
                 Maximum coverage amount
                                                  maximum) in $5,000 increments
                 Minimum coverage amount          $5,000

               Maximum AD&D (Accidental Death & Dismemberment) Coverage Amount
                You can choose a coverage amount up to 50% of your coverage amount ($250,000 maximum) in $5,000
                 increments for your spouse.
                The spouse AD&D coverage amount will reduce by 65% when you reach age 65 and an additional 70% of
                 the original amount when you reach age 70. Benefits end when you retire.

                For complete plan details, please see your contract.

                                                 Bi-Weekly Premium Calculation for Your Spouse
                  Coverage   Bi-Weekly
                   Amount    Premium
                                                 The estimated bi-weekly premium for AD&D insurance is determined by
                   $5,000      $0.05
                                                 multiplying the desired amount of coverage (in increments of $5,000) by
                   $25,000     $0.05
                                                 the premium rate. See table at right for select coverage amounts.
                  $100,000     $0.05
                  $250,000     $0.05               $____________   X    0.0000092        =   $_______________

                                                  coverage amount       premium rate         bi-weekly premium

                                                 Note: Rates are subject to change and can vary over time.

                                          AD&D Insurance Summary of Benefits
   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30