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Talent Development & Learning
Our Core Purpose:
educate. empower. engage.
Our team works to create learning and development opportunities for all 20,000+ employees
in the Piedmont organization—from individualized experiences and online learning to
department-specific and systemwide initiatives. We handle administration and support learning
throughout the system including course enrollments, scheduling, annual training, and more.
To learn more, visit the Talent Development & Learning page on the Village.
Talent Management
We lead annual talent reviews, assist with Executive Succession Planning, manage development
plans for high performers, and use the STAR Map® tool and process to simplify talent management.
Individual Growth
We conduct assessments, build foundational skills, develop leadership courses, and provide
coaching. Programs such as Leader as Coach, Adaptive Leadership, Accelerating Your Impact,
Growth and Innovation, and Ignite help individual leaders achieve their highest potential.
Team Development
Each entity in the Piedmont system has an assigned learning specialist who can assess needs, offer
consultation, and lead tailored initiatives. Plus, Teachable Moments offer bite-sized learning in brief,
on-demand segments that support team learning and soft skill development.
Systemwide Learning
We manage orientation content for all new employees and facilitate orientation for new leaders,
facilitate a variety of workshops for entity employees, oversee annual required training, and help
integrate new employees and entities as the system grows. Our instructional design team creates
e-learning materials, videos, and also manages a resource library of job aids for HR Applications.
Administration & Compliance
We handle course enrollment for online and classroom experiences, maintain and manage access
for our learning management system, manage the EdAssist tuition reimbursement program as well
as reporting for new employee orientation, annual training, CEUs for clinical staff, and regulatory
and audit teams.
October 2018