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New Leader Orientation

          Human resource essentials. Employment law. Workforce
          planning and compensation. Finance. Safety.
          As a leader, there are many areas to master—plus new
          and different demands on your time. Communication
          becomes more important than ever. That’s why we
          developed New Leader Orientation.

          During this course, participants gain important skills
          as people leaders, learn new tactics to lead well, and
          develop an understanding of how their role supports
          Piedmont Healthcare’s mission, vision, and values.

          Program details                           You’ll learn:

                                                    •   Information that is critical for leadership success at Piedmont
          Description:                              •   How to communicate in ways that will increase your
          Gain the knowledge and                      effectiveness as a leader
          resources necessary to help               •   About the many resources available to leaders
          lead and manage people more
          effectively                               What participants say:

          New leaders, plus anyone                 “  The most important part of this program was the real-world
          wanting a refresher                         scenarios that I took back to work which really made me feel
                                                      comfortable doing my job. ”
          Duration:                                                                                          – JS
          8–16 hours in the classroom
          depending on role                        “  The different methods for effective leadership communication
                                                      have already helped me to reinforce positive behavior, listen
                                                      to my colleagues more thoroughly, and provide support to
                                                      my team. ”                                            – SB
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