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Talent Development & Learning
Leadership Programs
To make a positive difference in every life we touch, we must grow both our individual
and organizational leadership capacity. As you progress in your career, Talent Development
& Learning has programs for all leadership levels.
Programs for Various Leadership Levels:
New Leader Leader as Adaptive
Orientation Coach Leadership
Description: Gain the Description: Develops Description: Equips
knowledge and resources well-rounded leaders who can participants to coach,
necessary to help lead make decisions, coach their collaborate, innovate and
and manage people more teams, and collaborate across become the leaders needed
effectively entities and service lines for a changing environment
Audience: New leaders, plus Audience: Directors, Audience: Directors and
anyone wanting a refresher managers, supervisors, charge above
Duration: 8–16 hours in the nurses, and team leads Duration: Five classroom days
classroom depending on role Duration: Eight classroom over 14 weeks
days over 8 months
New Leader Orientation is a pre-requisite to Leader as Coach and Adaptive Leadership
Programs for Physicians and Executive Leaders:
Accelerating Growth and
Your Impact Innovation Ignite
Description: Covers an Description: Provides Description: Explores the
overview of the leadership and executives and physicians with intersection of innovation
performance improvement tools to lead with confidence and business and how to
best practices and to achieve even greater drive strategic change across
Audience: Physicians things Piedmont
Duration: Six classroom days Audience: Physicians, Audience: Physicians, 2
over 6 months executive directors and above executive directors and above
Duration: Six classroom days Duration: Ten classroom days
over 6 months over 12 months
Growth and Innovation is a pre-requisite to Ignite
Pressed for time? Need training for a team For more information on any of these
meeting? Check out Teachable Moments, programs, check out the Talent
a collection of 15-minute, self-directed Development & Learning page on the
modules that can be accessed anytime by
anyone. Perfect for teams, development Village to download program overviews.
assignments, and lifelong learning. Visit the
Talent Development & Learning page on the Still have questions? Email us at
Village to gain access.
educate. empower. engage.