P. 5

WHAT                  IS  AN                “IDEAL”   TEACHER

               ACCORDING TO US?

                    An ideal teacher knows that the work of learning extends outside of the classroom,
                       that learners can deepen their understanding through peer sharing, engaging with
                       members of the community and with experts in the field both physically and through

                                                                               Nurture creativity and
                                                         We took learners beyond the classroom which
                                                         helped in unclipping their wings.
                                                         Suddenly their minds were free to explore and often
                                                         ended up with some very
                                                         creative results. For example, instead of learning about
                                                         sports in the classroom, we
                                                         took them to a sport field and
                                                         had them act in role. We were amazed at just how their
                                                         imaginations ran wild.

                     An ideal teacher
                      recognises that
                      playing sport is a
                      health recreation
                      for the learners.
                      They have to be
                      active every day
                      which stimulates
                      growth and leads
                      to improved
                      physical and
                      emotional health of
                       the learners. The sports field also creates an all-important learning environment
                       for the learners where they can learn to cope, adapt, and function in a team
                       environment. These are all important skills that learners need to acquire and
                       apply in life. Values are instilled through sport.

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