Page 21 - Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 21

Women of Distinction

        working as a full-time engineer. Not                                        With all that Jasmine has accom-
        only were the class times convenient,                                    plished since graduating you would
        but the PLNU Evening MBA Program                                         think this would satisfy her need to
        put Sadler in a room with nothing but                                    give back, but not Jasmine.  She has
        like-minded business savvy individuals                                   a long-term vision to one day run
        whose dedication to their careers mir-                                   a university with a curriculum that
        rored her own.  Her leadership inside                                    combines STEM and the Arts. “I
        and outside of the classroom encour-                                     would like to one day start a produc-
        aged her selection as MBA Student of                                     tion management company where we
        the Year.                                                                have custom-built theaters around the
           Now running her organization                                          world by our engineering students.
        with an MBA, Sadler adds just more                                       These theaters would include an Arts
        accomplishments to her list of many;                                     Academy and have housing included
        and is even more enabled to provide                                      for students and their families.  This
        those open doors to all of her students                                  would help to eliminate the finan-
        and peers.                                                               cial risk associated with studying the
           When asked what her advice                                            arts.  Students could attend, and study
        for other women would be, Jasmine                                        various forms of art such as dance,
        responded, “Never give up. Find your                                     painting, graphic design, and cos-
        purpose in life and let that purpose                                     tume design. This would lessen the
        lead your decisions and actions. Find                                    fear held by many who may want to
        mentors that can guide you through it                                    major in dance, but contemplate the
        and people that you, yourself, can men-                                  possibility that if they did something
        tor.” This counsel is priceless. If there is                             as simple as breaking a pinky toe, this
        one overwhelming theme in all of the                                     could end a career. That fear is what
        women I have spoken with throughout                                      led me to decide to study engineering
        my time at San Diego Woman Maga-                                         and relegate my love of dance as a side
        zine, it is this; they never…ever, give                                  interest. What if instead there was the
        up. Perseverance is the key to achieve-                                  opportunity to attend a STEAM Uni-
        ment and when you are working in                                         versity for students who truly want to
        your purpose, oh how glorious that                                       pursue STEM and the Arts?  What if
        success can be.                                                          they were able to pay for it through a
           The STEAM Collaborative is tan-                                       work-study program, perhaps work-
        gible proof of Sadler working in sync                                    ing for the theater, so they would still
        with her purpose. Tutoring and Mento-                                    be able to learn?  What if there was
        ring our youth to not only understand                                    housing associated with the program,
        complex subjects but, to believe that                                    so they wouldn’t have to worry about
        they themselves are capable of learning                                  their family's well-being? That truly
        those subjects is a God-given talent.                                    is my ultimate vision for The STEAM
        Jasmine is creating a culture which                                      Collaborative.”
        operates in the idea of "I Can." Her                                        Interested in being a part of The
        business promotes pursuing technical                                     STEAM Collaborative to make science,
        careers from an artistic perspective to a                                technology, engineering, or mathemat-
        segment of kids who don't believe they                                   ics a desirable choice for your students
        even have that option. “It’s a completely                                or child who may also love art? Visit
        different experience when the students                          or @theSTEAM-
        are able to see me. I've had teachers say   of what they think a rocket scientist   collab to find out more about how you
        "even if you don't say anything, you can  looks like or what an engineer looks   can make this career path approachable
        just walk in the room, and I can point   like, and now they are able to form   and desirable to your class or your
        to you and say, "SEE! Rocket Scientist!".  that identity within themselves and see   children.
        This realization to one's self that suc-  themselves as a potential engineer one   To get started on opening those
        cess doesn't have a gender or ethnicity   day." Sadler’s impact is already being   doors that separate you from your
        or age is a profound statement. Sadler   felt in the Engineering community.   own success, visit www.PointLoma.
        goes on to detail the fact that how   Engineering degrees have more than   edu for general information or https://
        potential scholars identify themselves   doubled in the last five years, and the
        often plays the largest role in their ca-  industry is expected to grow another   programs for details on their many
        reer decisions. “It changes the identity   6% in 2019.                   graduate degree programs.

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