Page 26 - Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 26

Women of Distinction

                                                                   LACE ZIPEROVICH,       language, Glace would
                                                              Gpronounced like grace      go on to learn three more
                                                              with an  “L," is truly a wom-  languages: English, Spanish
                                                              an motivated by movement;  and Italian. But this incredi-
                                                              and bringing those around   ble accomplishment did not
                                                              her along for the ride. After   come before she made the
                                                              spending some time with     decision to take herself on a
                                                              Glace, I can honestly say   journey of a lifetime. Trav-
                                                              she inspired me. Not only   eling to the United States
                                                              will you be energized by her  at age 21 without family, or
                                                              passion as we spend some    even speaking the native
                                                              time with her here, you will   tongue of English, Glace
                                                              be inspired to follow in her   did what many of us have
                                                              footsteps as she walks us   only dreamt about: ventur-
                                                              through how she got where   ing out into the unknown
                                                              she is today.               on an undefined adventure.
                                                                  Born in Brazil, she was   She knew no one. But she
                                                              surrounded by violence and   knew herself. And she be-
                                                              instability. Never knowing   lieved in her hearts’ beat of
                                                              what would happen after     fearlessness and continuous
                                                              she fell asleep, she rarely ex-  blessings.  Inspired already?
                                                              perienced a peaceful night’s   Just wait.
                                                              rest. The constant violence    Addicted to research
                                                              may have become a routine   and learning, Glace added
                                                              in her life, or as I like to call   to her list of goals. Doing
                                                              them, "uncontrollable vari-  something that very few
                                                              ables," but she saw it — even  have the strength to do,
                                                              back then — as an opportu-  she challenged herself to
                                                              nity. How cool is that? She   master all that she wanted
                                                              took an obstacle and turned   to motivate others within
                                                              it into the very gasoline that   the future, in her pres-
                                                              would fuel her tank. Glace   ence. And master she did.
                                                              didn’t let her surroundings   She took her passion for
                                                              interfere with her dreams   being around people and
                                                              and ambitions. She always   helping others outside her
                                                              wanted more and was never   own heart and into the
                                                              satisfied until achieving the   community by becoming
                                                              results. She has always been   a teacher. You heard right.
                                                              out of her comfort zone and   This non-native furiously
                                                              hurtling herself out into   brave Brazilian decided
                                                              the unknown, embracing      to expand her journey
        Glace Ziperovich, M.A. Ed.                            challenges along the way,   by receiving her masters

                                                                                          in education. With that
                                                              while growing as a person.
                 “Let’s Go Girls”                             But tender would be the last  accomplishment under
                                                                                          her belt, she couldn't wait
                                                              word to describe her today.
                    By Louisa Llanes                          “Fearless” and “Blessed” is   to get started. In a span of
                                                              the record she chooses to
                                                                                          over 10 years, she taught
                                                              share. But more on this a   ages pre-school all the way
                                                              little later.               to college all over San Di-
                                                                  Having been raised      ego, venturing from North
                                                              around the Portuguese       County to Miramar.

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