Page 27 - Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 27

Women of Distinction

           Motivated by her joy        Having had over a      are raised all through      to open February 2019 at
        for seeing students empow-  decade to share her pas-  looking forward to going to  13557 Poway Rd, Poway,
        ered and their “happy face”   sion for learning (and even   work out.             CA 92064, this fitness
        when they understood the   dancing) with students all     She will bring to us her   studio will also mirror the
        material, Glace was known   over San Diego, she now is   own tried and true strate-  business culture and philos-
        throughout the adminis-    ecstatic to share with the   gy behind a healthy mind,   ophy of progressive com-
        trators as a non-traditional   community yet another one  energized body and grate-  panies: a space where every
        teacher. "Everyone was     of her mastered adventures.  ful heart for other people.   team member is valued and
        teaching, but I wanted     One that begins in what I   Ready to hear about this in-  encouraged to empower
        them to be involved," she   would say started in her   credible exercise? This one   their mind and body in
        says. Constantly in the    heart years and years ago as  word lit a fire in my small   whatever facet that may be:
        middle of the room, it     a young Brazilian native. A   exercise brain-box. Get   bringing their dog in to play
        often was unclear who the   culture very much driven   excited for the Megaformer.   with the other fur babies
        teacher was when observers  by body image, she knows   Fusing three key elements   once a month or seeing to
        walked into her classroom;   first-hand the pressures   of Pilates, this high-intensi-  their own mental and emo-
        because her strategy with   that women face on a day-  ty, low impact workout does  tional health by capturing
        her students was rooted    to-day basis surrounding   not discriminate against    the wisdom offered to the
        in her belief system that   their body. With the expec-  age, physical ability or state   fitness community. Oh, did
        everyone should teach      tation to obtain the per-  of health. It truly is for   I forget to mention, Glace
        — and everyone should      fect body placed on their   everyone, of all ages, and all  is so excited to offer regu-
        learn, including herself. A   shoulders at a very young   backgrounds.            lar workshops, discussions
        completely non-conven-     age, Glace also took on        Integrating the Lagree   with nutritionists, coaches
        tional approach, I admire   this challenge – head-on.   Fitness method, the mega-  and speakers as a way to
        and adore this approach    Leaving no captives, only   former, and the key ingre-  find our inner strength
        she used in her time as an   free hearts: starting with   dient – Glace, this studio is   and beauty on the inside
        educator.                  her own. Take a moment     going to be one of my favor-  first, then "the outside"
           If you sense a hint of   to remember back to the   ite places to be. The first of   she exclaims. I don't know
        sadness in my tone, you    beginning of our time with   its kind in Poway, Studio40   about you, but I am already
        are correct. It’s a shame to   Glace. She taught us that   will serve the immediate   feeling more comfortable in
        see such world changers as   when our mind is ready   members of Poway, as well   my own skin and confident
        herself leave the education   to receive movement, our   as the neighboring ones   in my beauty.
        system. But, I know she    body is ready also. She also   including Scripps Ranch.   With a membership
        would want me to focus on   removes the overwhelm-    Besides offering Pilates,   style structure, Studio40
        the joyous part of the story.   ing assault to our wom-  the studio will incorporate   sets itself in an entirely new
        And so, I will do just that: I   anhood with the truthful,   Zumba, Yoga and cardio   tier of empowerment, one
        am thrilled to hear that the   yet fierce statement "The   workout classes. I am on   that its competitive month-
        fitness industry will now   perfect body doesn't exist.   a high just talking about   to-month or 3-month plan
        gain an angel. Where do    I want to raise the self-es-  it. "Get together, work out   is sure to show its return on
        we interact with this angel?   teem of women by creating   together, be strong togeth-  investment. Although this
        Poway and to be even more   a community of strong     er!" I cannot wait. And by   Studio40 is one of Glace’s
        specific, at Studio40. Glace   women." How does she   the sound of it, neither can   greatest joys, she also has
        is passionate about helping   plan on doing this? With a   the community surround-  a heart for travel, calling
        and motivating people, es-  2000 square foot space of   ing the Studio: jewelers, nail  herself a “world traveler.”
        pecially women to find the   acceptance, peace, safety,   and hair experts, telecom-  Stay tuned for how she
        best version of themselves.   and wisdom all fueled by   munication and delicious   plans on incorporating that
        She loves to see the results   her passion for helping and   cuisine providers have been   passion into this space. A
        and is thrilled when people   motivating women. She   anxiously awaiting the      special thank you to Glace
        realize their true potential.   seeks to build a community  opening of Studio40 where   for all that you are planning
        Glace says “it is never too   of fierce women (and men,   they will quickly implement  to share with us.
        late to love your body and   if they'd like) where friend-  their partnership with Gla-
        rock it.”                  ships are born and esteems   ce and her team. Projected   Website:

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