Page 28 - Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 28
By Carol Heath
’VE NEVER BEEN MUCH ON when it came time to send in Thailand and Mexico I was I get to take 5-minute breaks
Igeography. Don’t get me in my passport and copies of hopeful I’d get a job. like every 2 hours, that’s how
wrong I know the basics, and my degrees, suddenly they After a thorough back- I get time to pee. I knew you
I can still remember most of decided not to proceed any ground check, I was offered a were wondering. Oh, and
the capitals like Bismarck, further. After this happened 5 job teaching English online. they only have 2 strongly
capital of North Dakota. Be times I was beginning to get The pay is the pits; however, suggested suggestions, do not
honest I bet you forgot that a complex, but I’m tenacious, the education I am getting talk about religion or politics!
one. And I think I can locate and I was going to get a job is priceless, so it evens out. I Thank goodness they are only
various continents and coun- teaching or die trying. work a set schedule, 7 a.m. to suggestions.
tries on a map or world globe. After my 8th application 11 a.m., a 2-hour break, then Probably the biggest
However, I never thought got as far as the passport and again 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., 6 days thing I’ve learned is that other
in a million years I would degree submission, some a week with Saturdays off. country’s revere an education.
be talking to someone in sweet Chinese young woman (College football season don’t In most countries, a good ed-
Azerbaijan. Truthfully, I didn’t sent me an email. She had cha’ know.) Some days seem ucation is a ticket out of their
even know there was a place seen my videos and name longer as talking 7 or 8 hours country or a better paying job.
called Azerbaijan. You might on several occasions, and I a day is exhausting, and I hate Since English is the most glob-
ask what does this country guess she took pity on me. the damn earphones I must al language spoken the de-
have to do with Thanksgiv- She informed me I was more wear that make me look like mand to know how to speak
ing? My answer may surprise than qualified, and the kids some alien. it is huge. While in the United
you, amaze you, astound you, loved me; however, I was over My students range in age States if you are a well-known
or not. 60 and would never be hired from 4 years to 80 years old, college athlete, you are in line
Like a lot of people, at any Chinese company. So now that is what I call diversi- for a somewhat lucrative life.
I found that I needed to much for how progressive fication. I’m in my 2nd month In almost every other country,
make some money as I have China is and how much they of employment, and although higher education is the way
become quite fond of eating. revere their older citizen. I was told it would take time to a good paying job. I’m not
I will take pity on you and I ended up getting an to build up a student list, I can talking about a 4-year college
not bore you with the details email one day inviting me to honestly say from the day I education, that is like a high
of my 6-month long search apply at this place that offered first signed on I have never school education in many
for employment. However, a variety of different services had more than 3 minutes go countries.
I can tell you that if you are online. After some investiga- by without teaching someone. Master’s, Ph.D., these types
looking for a job teaching tion, I found out they were an Some students make reserva- of degrees are being pursued
English online to Chinese kids American owned company, so tions, others just sign on, and I by students all over the world.
- if you are over 60 years old I applied. The company is well get a notification that some- In Saudi Arabia after you go
forget it. I’d heard there was established and hires your one is waiting for me, while to the university for 4 years
a myriad of different schools experience in teaching more others are my regulars and you can study in the United
with an online presence that than anything else. Having have set times every week. States, Canada, or the U.K. and
taught English to kids in ESL certification is a huge plus, The company has many their government will pay you
China. Sounded like a dream especially if your ESL training resources and teaching aids to attend universities. That
job for me, I love teaching, and certification comes from available, and they run the means your tuition, room, and
and I love kids. I’ll cut to the a foreign country. They don’t gambit of the services they board, and then you get like
chase – I spent over $200 want the fly by night certi- offer. However, one of the $300 a month for incidentals.
making a backdrop suitable fication, they check you out best things about working Many countries do the same
for teaching, different props, thoroughly. With over 20 years for them is that you can use thing for their younger gen-
etc. etc. etc. In short, I passed of teaching experience, ESL your own curriculum, which eration to become educated
all the interviews and mock training from Thailand and I do. I think you now have a and there does not seem to
classes with flying colors, but experience teaching English basic idea of what I do. Okay, be a gender gap, you see just