Page 25 - Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 25
Shelly Marie Rufin, MSHS
Making College Dreams a Reality
As a global Independent College Plan- grams offered to best fit and jump-start
ner Consultant, founder and owner for a student's college plan. Her passion for
EDFIN College Planning Experts and ED- helping parents prepare their kids for col-
FIN Cash for College, Shelly Marie Rufin is lege starts as early as eighth grade. Help-
an expert in the area of College Planning. ing their kids be better prepared for high
Shelly Marie Rufin, after working fifteen school assures that they will be taking the
years for colleges, with her last position as right courses, thus increasing a student’s
Director of Financial Aid & Scholarships, chances of being accepted to their dream
obtained her Bachelor of Science Degree college.
in Management, Masters of Science in Hu- She begins by providing each student
man Services, Masters of Science in Clin- with mentoring and coaching, and a col-
ical Counseling and Neuroscience, and is lege roadmap for success, which helps
currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Psychology prepare each student for their future
Industrial Organization. Her educational career and decreases their chances of
background makes her acutely qualified to changing majors multiple times and losing
help your student make those important time and money, which can often result in
college planning decisions. Shelly identified graduating later than planned.
a need for college planning while serving Students begin with a mentoring/ SAT/ACT test prep guidance, Best Fit Col-
as an Outreach Coordinator. She's a pub- coaching, self-discovery assessment as lege Admissions, and Financial Aid Plan-
lished author of Making College DREAMS a well as a personality/career assessment ning. This is to ensure students are bet-
Reality: 9 Key Decisions for Better College designed to help students discover more ter prepared for college and parents can
Planning, Better life, and a TV/Radio host about themselves, their strengths, likes, put their kids through college without
for EDFIN TV/Radio Show. interests, values, motivations, passions mortgaging their house or retirement
Shelly understands that every stu- and other self-discovery insights. All as- plans, and that kids graduate college with
dent is unique in placement, grade, inter- sessments are administered by a profes- less debt.
est, social skills, age, and needs. Upon the sional with individual college plan results. EDFIN submits Federal, State, Insti-
initial consultation, the review and discus- The importance of an individual col- tutional Grants, Scholarships, and Loans
sion with the student and parents, she lege plan is that students receive individ- for up to ten universities, colleges and/
presents a variety of college planning pro- ual guidance, mentoring/coaching, PSAT, or vocational school and financial aid of-
fers as low as $138,000.00 University of
California - Davis and maximum award
$276,000.00 University of California San
Diego, California.
Read more about what families are saying about EDFIN at
Cream together almond paste, butter, eggs,
Rainbow Cookies and sugar. Add flour slowly and mix until all is
combined. Separate dough into three equal
A Holiday Treat parts in separate bowls. Add red food coloring
to one bowl, and green food coloring to anoth-
Try this delicious Holiday Cookie er, leave one bowl with no food coloring. Spray
recipe from our Editor’s Book “Hey, I’m a cookie sheet with vegetable spray. Spread
Italian” (available at each bowl of dough onto separate cookie
y8lps2u9 ) sheets. Bake at 350 degrees for ten minutes. Let
cool. When cool, invert onto hard surface like
• 8 Ounces almond paste counter tops lined with saran wrap or parch-
• 1 Cup butter ment paper. Take red cookie layer and spread
• 2 Cups flour with half of the raspberry jam. Place green layer
• 1 Cup sugar on top. Spread green layer with raspberry jam.
• 3 Eggs Place plain layer on top. Wrap in saran wrap and
• 16 Ounces seedless raspberry jam place a heavy book on top for at least 4 hours
• 4 Ounces apricot jam or overnight if you prefer. After it has rested,
• 8 Ounces semi-sweet chocolate dilute apricot jam in water and heat on the
chips stove. Spread this diluted jam evenly on top
• 6 Drops red food coloring layer. Cool, and then melt chocolate and spread
• 6 Drops green food coloring evenly on top of apricot jam. Cut into squares to
form the final rainbow cookies.