Page 38 - Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 38
Holiday Gift Guide
1. Lavish Leathers earrings are layered with two or three differ-
Chic and Stylish Earring for Us All ent colors and patterns and help jazz up a
Have you ever looked at those bold ear- solid blouse or dress. While wearing these
rings the woman next to you was wearing and earrings, I actually had a pedestrian on the
thought, “I wish I could wear earrings like that.” street yell to me through my open window to
Well now you can, Lavish Leathers has a line of compliment my earrings. How often do men
earrings, bracelets, and more that allow you to even notice something like earrings, let alone
express the inner you. yell through a car window to admire them?
One of the things I loved most about their What is also a great feature of Lavish
earrings was the fact that I always enjoyed big Leathers is the fact that most earrings come
earrings, but I never felt comfortable in them. in minis, small, medium or large allowing
The bigger the earring, the heavier they were, you to feel totally comfortable purchasing
and this caused discomfort to me. I know I them in a size that is most in character for
am not alone because when I shared these your “look.” The best fact of all is the price. It
earrings with other staff members, the com- is low enough that you can buy a variety of
ments were not only about how gorgeous the these beautiful earrings in varied colors to
earrings looked, but also how light they were. match whatever outfit you wear. Be prepared
When your hair is a bit longer, you are always though, because a day will not go by that you
in search of an earring that will show, but do not receive at least one compliment on
doesn’t weigh you down or put undue stress your earrings.
on your earlobes. Voila, Lavish Leathers shows Texas born and raised, Lavish Leathers is
beautifully and is literally light as a feather. helping fashionistas make a bold statement,
Since they are not made of metals or chains, with a unique twist! At Lavish Leathers, they
there is no getting caught in your hair or get- truly believe that every woman is uniquely
ting in the way when you are on the phone. beautiful and that everyone deserves to have
They sit beautifully and frame your face. access to equally unique accessories. Offering
The selection of colors, shapes, designs, dozens of styles, colors, and prints in earrings,
and themes provide something for everyone. necklaces, bracelets and more, Lavish Leathers
There are even sport themed earrings which pride themselves on affordable accessories for
show off your love for your favorite pastime. everyone from young ladies just finding their
Not only is the leather soft and pliable, but personal styles, to confident women who
they have added glitter leathers as well as know exactly what they want and love.
fringed leather which totally change the look For more information and to order your
of these earrings. There is also a color palette collection of fabulous earrings visit their
which fits whatever you are wearing. Some site at