Page 39 - Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 39
Holiday Gift Guide
2. R. Riveter Handbags in any diaper bag, tote bag, or carry-on when it was created. The Clipa allows
By Danielle Springer luggage. you to hang your purse anywhere. No
We at SDW received the most amaz- This bag is great for travel or for any hook needed. You have the only hook
ing handbag yet, we had the opportuni- busy women on the go. Its lightweight you will ever need.
ty to review the Whittle Signature Black design matched with quality leather The Clipa not only works on hand-
Canvas and Brown Leather Handbag fabric and durable canvas construction bags, but can be used for hooking
designed by R.Riveter. If you are unfa- makes it your perfect choice. baby bags onto your baby’s stroller, for
miliar with this brand, I am here to tell Visit their website at https://www. backpacks or even camera bags. It is
you that you are missing out. First off R. one of the most versatile items you will
Riveter sells beautify handcrafted bags ever buy.
at a reasonable price. 3. The Clipa When you go to a restroom and
Secondly, and this is the most A Purse Clip for the Modern Woman find that there is nowhere to hang your
important part here, their handbags I know I am not the only one that purse, because let’s face it who wants
support military spouses. The com- this has happened to, you get to a to put that brand new designer bag on
ponents of the handbag are crafted by restaurant and are told your table isn’t the germ-filled dirty floor, not you, and
independent military spouses in their ready yet, but feel free to wait in the bar you won’t if you buy this one little must-
homes around the nation, and then and have a cocktail. So as imagined, have accessory.
they are shipped to R.Riveter’s FabShop you aren’t the only one waiting on a You can find one on Amazon: https://
in North Carolina to be assembled into table. The bar is full to capacity so there
a one-of-a-kind product. you sit with that oversized purse you
What I loved about the Whittle must have to carry around all the es- 4. Kit-Cat® Klock
handbag that I received was its ver- sentials, on your lap. Of course, the first There are very few products that
satility. This bag is equipped with an thing you do is check under the bar to can stand the test of time. There is one
adjustable strap and gold lobster claw see if the owners of the establishment notable exception, the Kit-Cat® Klock.
hinges. This allows you to go from a took your needs into account when This memorable product first arrived in
belt bag to a crossbody with one easy deciding to not include purse hooks 1932 and was an instant success, with
and effortless motion. under the bar. But then you remember its iconic swinging tail, rolling eyes and
As a working mom, I am so sick of the incredible little item on your purse contagious smile it is no wonder. Kit-
toting that “mom bag” everywhere I go. handles the Clipa, and you smile, set it Cat® Klocks have been American made
I needed a bag in my life that allows me onto the bar, and voila, you are lap free since their inception, and they have no
to grab my wallet, cards, keys and go. and able to enjoy your drink. intention of changing that fact. These
The Whittle is the perfect solution for The Clipa is an invention that really iconic clocks are a valuable piece of
the “mom bag” as it fits so effortlessly took a women’s needs into account Americana