Page 40 - Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 40

Holiday Gift Guide



           In 1932, during the height of The   the Lady Kit-Cat® burst on to the scene   The quality is great, and it just puts a
        Great Depression, the Kit-Cat® Klock was  swapping out the bow tie for pearls and   smile on your face
        invented in Oregon by designer Earl   eyelashes.                           The Kit-Cat® Klock has even made a
        Arnault (1904-1971) Kit-Cat® inspired   2007 marked Kit-Cat®’s 75th anni-  name for itself in Hollywood showing
        joy during one of America’s roughest   versary and was celebrated with The   up in the movie Back to the Future,
        patches. The earliest clocks, produced   Great All American Road Show which   Katy Perry’s Movie and the Taylor Swift
        in 1932, had no markings on the back.   lasted 75 days along the entire Route   Video “We are Never Ever getting back
        Most of these early models have metal   66. “We were wanting to do some-  together” just to name a few.  There is
        bodies, metal clock hands, and four toes  thing special for the 75th anniversary  even a Pinterest site dedicated to this
        on each of the two paws. They also had   of an American icon,” said Woody  iconic clock.
        starter knobs or apertures on the front   Young, President of the California Clock  The variety of Kit-Cat® Klocks will
        to “start” the motor spinning in the cor-  Company. Kit-Cat® Klocks are made on  astound you with their latest exotic Pet
        rect direction when it was plugged in,   Route 66 just outside of Los Angeles,  Collection that you will adore
        because “self-starting” motors were not   so it seemed like a perfect fit. The Great  Grab a piece of Americana by visiting
        widely used in clocks in the 30s. Allied   All American Road Show included the  their official website at https://kit-cat.
        Clock soon adopted the increasingly   world’s largest Kit-Cat® Klock at 75 inch-  com/shop/
        popular method of plastic molding and   es tall and a 75-year-old Ford Deuce,
        moved to Seattle, WA.               specially painted to celebrate the clock  5. Live Happy Notebook
           The 40s and 50s were decades of ex-  which participated in 75 events across  Corso has come up with a beautiful
        plosive growth for Kit-Cat®’s popularity   the country including parades and car  substitute for this digitally connect-
        and marked the first (and last) changes   shows.                         ed world in which we live. Instead of
        in his design. The top paws and the Kit-  After 85 years, Kit-Cat® continues   having your face buried in your smart-
        Cat®’s dapper bow tie were added. Due   to prove that he is truly “timeless” as   phone, try a traditional, time-tested
        to his popularity, it wasn’t long before   Kit-Cat® Klocks are now sold through   method to take notes, provide yourself
        Kit-Cat® became synonymous with the   stores in countries all around the world.   with reminders and maybe just do some
        1950s in America.                   In fact, for the last 50 years, someone   old fashion doodling.
           In 1962, Allied Clock moved pro-  has purchased a Kit-Cat® Klock every 3   The Corso Live Happy Notebook is
        duction to Southern California and   minutes.                            a hardbound book which has plenty of
        renamed itself the California Clock Com-  I can recall the Kit-Cat® clock from my   space to write in, but also includes time-
        pany.  Production of this favorite clock   childhood and was thrilled to have the   less quotes and reminders for all of us
        continued for the next 39 years.  In 2001  chance to see one so many years later.    to be thankful every day for all that we

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