Page 11 - MayNewsletter2018 (1)
P. 11

MAC Treasurer’s Corner

                                                      Mary Ann Brown

          Peace and Greetings Sorors!  As we continue to        Chapter Budgeting Process:
          journey through Sororal Years 2017-19, I sincerely    1.  Committee Chairs and President shall submit a rec-
          ask for your support and cooperation to adhere to the    ommended  Operating  Budget  to  the  Finance  Chair
                                                                   at the beginning of each Fiscal Year for review
          Sorority’s Expense Reimbursement, Disbursement,       2.  Proposals shall be submitted by 1 February
          and Budgeting Processes.  Please review the below
           information for additional reference and help me to   3.  Email notifications will be submitted to Chairs and
                                                                   President 1 month prior to due date
          accurately Count the Costs:                           4.  Recommendations must be approved by the Finance
                                                                   committee and the Chapter
                 Expense Reimbursement Process:                 5.  Recommendations  will  become  a  part  of  the  Chap-
          1.  Committee Member:  makes purchases under the         ter’s Operating Budget
             direction of the Committee Chair                   6.  Chapter’s  Operating  Budget  shall  be  approved  no
          2.  Committee Member submits completed Voucher and       later than by May’s Sorority meeting
             an ORIGINAL RECEIPT to the Committee Chair for     7.  Budgets should be developed based on the below:
             approval                                           8.  Goals established for the current Fiscal Year
          3.  Committee Chair:  Approves expense after checking  9.  Types  of  activities  conducted  during  the  previous
             Committee Budget and forwards signed Voucher to       year and associated costs
             the President                                      10. Ability to develop and implement activities with oth-
          4.  President approves and signs Voucher                 er Committees
          5.  Treasurer confirms that the expense is budgeted   11. The most Fiscally sound method of implementation
             and adds payment type and disbursement date to        possible
             the Voucher.                                       12. Finance Chair will submit to the Chapter an update
          6.  Treasurer signs Vouchers and prepares/issues the     of the current status of the approved Budget twice a
             Check.                                                year
                                                                13. Treasurer will maintain a reconcilement spreadsheet
             Disbursement Process:                                 for each Committee Chair to track/monitor expendi-
          All Disbursements must be supported by an                tures  to  ensure  no  one  over-spends  her  allotted
          APPROVED VOUCHER WITH ORIGINAL RECEIPTS                  budget total
          RECEIPTS SHOULD NOT INCLUDE ANY PERSONAL              14. Do not over-spend
          1.  Vouchers should be Approved by a Committee Chair   Budget Adjustment Process:
             and the President prior to submission to the Treas-
             urer for Disbursement                              1.  Committee  Chairs  should  be  provided  with  regular
          2.  Requester must complete the Voucher with the date,   updates as to how much is left in their Budget
             name and address of Payee as well as identify a rea-  2.  Committee Chairs should submit requests for Budg-
             son for the request                                   et  Revisions  prior  to  the  Quarterly  Budget  and  Fi-
          3.  Submit a fully authorized Voucher to the Treasurer   nance Committee meeting
             during Executive Board and/or before or  after So-  3.  Budget and Finance Committee should meet Quar-
             rority meeting                                        terly to review Budgets and prepare proposed Budg-
          4.  There will be no COLLECTION or DISBURSEMENT          et Adjustments
             during Sorority meeting                            4.  Budget updates should be presented to the Execu-
          5.  Treasurer will be available during Executive Board   tive  Board  and  approved  by  the  Chapter  at  least
             as well as 30 minutes prior to and 30 minutes after   Quarterly
             Sorority meeting
          6.  The Chapter Budget should be checked by the
             treasurer prior to issuing check and all Chairs are             Please direct all questions to
             responsible for monitoring Spending versus Budget 
          7.  The Treasurer documents the check number, date
             the check is issued and the amount on the voucher      Thank you for your support and cooperation!!!
             and check register
          8.  Two signatures are required on all checks (president
             and treasurer) unless check is written to president
             or treasurer                                          Sources:
          9.   Checks should not be payable to cash and blank             Basic Fiscal Officer’s Training
             checks should never be signed                                Fiscal Officer’s Manual
          10. Checks will distributed during Executive Board, 30
             minutes before and 30 minutes after Sorority meet-
             ing if time permits, and/or mailed to the Payee

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