Page 7 - MayNewsletter2018 (1)
P. 7


                               PLAY IT SAFE WATER SAFETY TIPS

           May is nationally and locally recognized as          think of the potential for young children to
           water safety month.  Join the Physical and           drown. Drowning according to the Centers
           Mental Health Committee in increasing                for Disease Control and Prevention is the
           awareness and active efforts in water safe-          second leading cause of unintentional injury
           ty.                                                  death for children ages 1-14 years, and the
           As the weather warms up, pools are prepar-           fifth leading cause for people of all ages. So
           ing to open and crowds are gearing up to             water safety should be a concern no matter
           head to the beach. May is National Water             where you and your family swim.
           Safety Month and the perfect time to ensure  Thus you should become a Safety Ambassa-
           you and your family are prepared to spend a  dor, you can help protect your family, neigh-
           fun, safe day by the water. Remember,                bors and others in your community by shar-
           knowledge is key when it comes to water              ing information about injury prevention and
           and pool safety. Educating children from a           encouraging people to change their behav-
           very young age, and keeping yourself in-             iors. Anyone can be a Safety Ambassador.
           formed, can lead to a lifetime of healthy,           There is no age limit or time commitment re-
           safe swimmers. Swimming is a great activi-           quired. All you need is a desire to protect
           ty. Not only are there lots of physical bene-        those you care about.
           fits, it's also something the whole family can       The number of people hurt or killed each
           enjoy. But like a lot of things in life, it also     year because of unsafe behaviors is unac-
           comes with risk.                                     ceptable.
           When we think of water safety, we often

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