Page 4 - MayNewsletter2018 (1)
P. 4
Montgomery’ s Sunday Best: A Gospel Explosion
Fundraising Committee
Submitted by Jaunita Owes, Chair
The concept of having a gospel concert as alternative fund- Bonita Seaborn Moore, a “card toting, dues paying member”
raiser was a recommendation from the Fundraising Task- of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., set our hearts afire as
force in 2017. From the recommendation, President Cas- she delivered, as Marian Anderson or Mahalia Jackson
sandra E. Brown began to give thought to developing a new would, some old time gospel singing. It was a WOW mo-
and innovative fundraiser for the chapter. President Brown ment as the program moved forward with the ASU Dance
decided that we must step out on faith and do something Company performing to the music of Anthony Brown &
that will impact not only our membership, but others in our group therapy’s Trust in YOU! W. Clifford Petty graced the
community as well. stage and rendered two gospel songs
that warmed the congregants and fur-
The inaugural gospel concert, Montgomery’s ther prepared our souls to receive the
Sunday Best: A Gospel Explosion was present-
ed on Sunday, April 29, 2018. Much work, Spirit.
planning, prayer and submission took place Soror President Brown returned to the
and the committee worked tirelessly to imple- stage to reach out into the community
ment this new idea together. The event turned and recognize two community workers
out to be a monumental accomplishment for who, based on the standards estab-
the chapter. More than five hundred attended lished by the Montgomery (AL) Alumnae
and celebrate the inaugural gospel event! Pre- Chapter, have performed noteworthy
liminary survey results indicate the event was work in the community that impacts
well received and appreciated. mankind and the River Region. Mr. Isai-
It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon, and the ah Sankey was presented the Citizen of
members of the Montgomery (AL) Alumnae the Year Award, and Attorney Theron
Stokes was presented the Trailblazer
Chapter came out in full force to support the
show. Not only did the membership show up, Award.
but they brought along with them other gospel Next on the program was The Alabama
music lovers from the community. Upon entry, Boys, who stepped out on the stage and
each attendee received a souvenir booklet and wowed the congregants with their Crim-
a commemorative church-style fan bearing the son & Cream attire! The Alabama Boys
program line up of the afternoon. True Divine had the congregants waving their hands,
Baptist Church provided its sanctuary, staff, bobbing their heads, and standing to
and expertise to the chapter. The staff, led by their feet in adoration of their soulful
Ms. Sonya Satterfield, was extremely respon- ballad approach to singing. In fact, one
sive to the needs of MAC by providing security, of the singers had to be pulled from the
guidance, and responded to every request; mic to end their presentation. The Ala-
they were phenomenal. bama Boys seemed to enjoy and get
caught up in the spirit as much as the
Soror Mona Davis set the tone of progression
by sharing with the audience and the purpose audience.
of the event. Several of the chapter’s Delta The featured performer, Miss Dottie
Dears, Sorors Barbara Weatherly, Cassandra Peoples, graced the stage, and once
Conway, Linda Browning, Doris Sanders, and Myrtis C. again wowed the audience in RED! She quickly announced
Ramsey graced the stage dressed in their Sunday best that she did not get the memo: she thought everyone would
while being welcomed to church by Reverend Catrina Wa- be wearing Red but are not! It was a wonderful moving per-
ters. These Delta Dears met, greeted one another and took formance as she went through a repertoire of songs, recog-
their seats in church in anticipation of the Gospel Explosion. nizing the work of the Deltas as she talked and consistently
recognizing our dynamic president, Cassandra E. Brown.
The Emcee, WVAS 90.7 Gospel Messenger Angier Stewart
Johnson, was introduced by Soror Mona Davis as she asked Finally, she sang the song everyone wanted to hear, and as
the congregants to get into the program and enjoy what has she began with “He’s an ON TIME GOD!” everyone jumped
to their feet and just took over the song. The congregants
been prepared for them. Reverend Catrina Waters set the
tone by delivering a powerful and uplifting prayer asking the sang with her, and at times, she just held the mic up and let
the congregants take over.
congregants to release whatever was troubling them and
enjoy the Gospel Explosion. Thank you Big MAC for your support, words of encourage-
Soror President Brown welcomed the audience and thanked ment, push, guidance and commitment to the process. A
them for supporting the chapter and its programs. Soror Special Thank You to everyone who touched any part of this
Brown then presented the chapter awards to Soror Rhonda program; Soror President Brown; 1 & 2 VP; the Hostess
Oats (Fortitude Award), Soror Jessyca McCall Darrington & Decoration Committee; the Publicity & Marketing Commit-
(Delta of the Year Award); Soror Cathey Hendricks (Delta tee; Soror Tonia Stephens; Soror Kynesha Brown; chapter
Dear of the Year Award) and Soror Tafeni English Fiscal Officers; and Delta Dears! Also, a Special Thank You
(Emergent Leader Award).
to the True Divine Baptist Church for opening their doors to
The Resurrection Catholic Church Liturgical Dancers led the this powerful event and to all those who attended the Inau-
program off with a moving rendition of how the Lord can gural Montgomery’s Sunday Best: A Gospel Explosion!
touch young people and enhance their purpose in life.