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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated

                                            Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter

                                    THE TORCH

          May 2018                                                                                Volume 43 Issue 8

         Message from President Brown
                                    pring is my favorite time of the year!  It is the
                                    time that we celebrate our mothers and gradu-
                                    ates; marvel at the beauty of nice weather and
                                    blooms and reflect on the success of our year of
                                    IMPACTFUL service!

          We, the Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter, certainly provided IM-
          PACTFUL service to our community and invested resources to develop
          and empower leaders to achieve this year.  I want to thank you all for a
          truly rewarding first year as chapter president.  From the New Year’s                     Inside
          Celebration to the Gospel Explosion, we have many successes to cele-                   The Torch
          brate and it would not be possible without each of you.  I appreciate                Eight Decades of   2 - 3
          the prayers, support, well wishes, constructive criticism and hard work              Sisterhood and
          that so many of you willingly provided.  In today’s world, the service               Decade Seven
          that we provide to our community is often the beacon of hope and                     Montgomery’s       4-5
          good that so many need.  Our service encourages and empowers indi-                   Sunday Best: A
          viduals more that we will ever know.  I am grateful to have a chapter                Gospel Explosion    6
          with sorors ready to serve and be the difference.                                    Community
                                                                                               National Water     7
          I have worked hard to handle the business of the chapter in an efficient             Safety Month
          manner.  I will continue to improve the process as I continue to learn               MAC Inaugural      8
          bit by bit.  Know that I strive to “build the better mousetrap” as we                Health Fair
          work together to support the needs of the chapter, its members and                   Skin Cancer in     9-10
          the community.                                                                       Skin of Color

          To those attending the Regional Conference, learn as much as you can                 MAC Treasurer      11
          to enhance our chapter programs.  Though we will not meet during the                 Courtesies &       12
          summer, we will continue to plan for another productive year.  I need                Birthdays
          all to rest and rejuvenate during the break and return energized to de-              Upcoming Events    13
          liver on our promise to achieve the mission of Delta Sigma theta Soror-
          ity, Inc.!

          Thanks, again sorors for an IMPACTFUL first year!                                  Special points of interest:
                                                                                             Montgomery’s Sunday Best: A
          Committed to IMPACTFUL Service,                                                    Gospel Explosion

          Cassandra                                                                          National Water Safety Month
                                                                                             Skin Cancer in Skin of Color
          Cassandra E. Brown
          Chapter President
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