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Eight Decades of Sisterhood and Success
By Thelma C. Ivery, Ph.D. Chapter Historian
Decade Eight: 2007 – 2017
Our eighth decade was highly pro- In 2014, we welcomed 130 initiates
ductive, consequently, selecting just a few into our sisterhood. In July 2015, many of
representative incidents to highlight for our sorors went to Houston, Texas for the
this decade and determining which items 52 National Convention. Two Delta Dear
to omit was difficult. In addition, much sorors from each chapter who were present
more information is available for review of at the convention and who had many
recent events than for other decades. For years of membership were recognized at
those reasons, this is the second of two the Southern Regional Luncheon. They
columns describing the eighth decade. were presented with violet corsages, es-
Under the leadership of our 30 corted into the assembly while their pic-
president, Soror Pamela Hill, (2013 - tures were projected during their intro-
2017) , the chapter operated using the ductions, and were seated at tables re-
theme, “Achieving the Mission, Developing served for honorees. Two MAC sorors, So-
Members, Empowering Communities.” We ror Doris Sanders (initiated in 1949) and
began in June 2013 with a committee fair, Soror Thelma Ivery (initiated in 1957) were
“How May I Serve MAC ?” to publicize com- honored for their 66 years and 58 years in
mittee activities and solicit committee the sorority respectively.
memberships. Our other activities includ- Through the Arts and Letters Com-
ed: “MAC Olympics” and a “Western mittee, the chapter hosted the 2015 “Delta
Roundup” to build sisterhood and reclaim Authors on Tour” which showcased five au-
sorors. Community outreach activities in- thors who discussed their books. We col-
cluded participation in the Meals on laborated with several local organizations
Wheels program, gift wrapping with the to increase voter registration and participa-
Family Sunshine Center, workshops for tion and to provide transportation to the
residents of the Exodus Community, and polls. Our Political Awareness and Involve-
ringing the bells in the Salvation Army’s ment Committee held Expungement and
Red Kettle campaign. Voter Restoration Rights events, went into
One hundred seventy-nine MAC so- area high schools on National Voter Regis-
rors registered for the July 2013 Centenni- tration Day to register seniors to vote, pre-
al Convention in Washington D. C. We sented candidate forums, and assisted the
were warmly welcomed to our nation’s state coordinator with statewide Delta
capital where we joined more than 10,000 Days at the Capitol. The Physical and Men-
of our sorors as we “painted the town red.” tal Health Committee led the chapter in
The sorority honored sorors who had fifty participating in the American Cancer Soci-
or more years in the sorority with a recep- ety’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer
tion in their honor and gifts of special Walk, conducted a Mental Health Forum
“Fifty Year” scarves. At the Southern Re- that concentrated on college student de-
gional Reception, fifty year plus sorors pression and supervised our participation
from our region were honored with a slide in the national Delta SIZED Health Initia-
presentation illustrated with their photos tive.
and short biographical sketches. Twenty-
three MAC sorors were among those hon-