Page 3 - MayNewsletter2018 (1)
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Eight Decades of Sisterhood and Success

                                               By Thelma C. Ivery, Ph.D.   Chapter Historian
                                            Decade Eight:  2007 – 2017

                The International Awareness and In-            duct activities in concert with Delta’s Five
         volvement Committee presented A Taste of              Point Programmatic Thrust: Economic De-
         Delta which showcased different dishes from           velopment, Educational Development, Inter-
         various countries, collected supplies for             national Awareness and Involvement, Physi-
         schools in Haiti, and cosponsored events for
         World Aids Day. Sorors attended another               cal and Mental Health, and Political Aware-
         Night at the Biscuits Baseball Game. The Ed-          ness and Involvement. As we look back with
         ucational Development Committee through               pride on the past eighty years, we look for-
         Community Educational Outreach, worked                ward with anticipation to an even more ex-
         with schools and other organizations to pro-          citing and  productive future, for, as our
         vide tutoring sessions, sponsor workshops             2017 Crème de la Crème theme stated in
         and coordinate the awarding of chapter
         scholarships to high school students. This            part, “The Best is Yet to Come.”
         committee also leads the Signature Pro-
         grams for students in Delta Academy, Delta
         GEMS and EMBODI programs. Those par-
         ticipants were taken to visit museums and
         historical civil rights sites,  and participated
         in monthly programs with planned topics of
         interest to young people.
                In August 2017, Montgomery Alum-
         nae Chapter completed eighty years of sis-
         terhood and successful service through Del-
         ta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.. From our be-
         ginning in August, 1937 with eleven charter
         members we have increased our member-
         ship to more than 400 sorors, and we are
         known as a force for good in our service ar-
         ea. We have mentored several generations of
         young people,  presented cultural activities
         for our community,  provided assistance to
         charitable organizations,  promoted political
         involvement, and encouraged sisterly bond-
         ing through numerous activities. In alliance
         with national programs of the sorority, be-
         ginning with the National Library  Project
         which was started in the 1930s, we have al-
         ways carried out our commitment to Delta’s
         programs.  We continue to design and con-

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