Page 6 - MayNewsletter2018 (1)
P. 6

Exodus Community

                                                Community Outreach Committee

          Making  the  best  impression  is
          critical when you are preparing                                       an inspiration to her and en-
          for  an  interview.    The  Mont-                                     couraged her to continue to
          gomery  (AL)  Alumnae  Chap-                                          move  forward  as  she  re-
          ter’s    Community         Outreach                                   entered  the  workforce.  The
          Committee  members  stressed                                          presentation  was  informa-
          that  dressing  appropriately  is                                     tive,  interactive  and  fun  for
          as  important  as  your  resume                                       everyone       in    attendance.
          when you are competing for a job or po-                               This  was  evident  because
          sition.  Twelve committee members pre-                  the  scheduled  one  hour  presentation
          sented an inspiring activity at the Exo-                extended to an hour and a half.  An in-
          dus Community entitled, “How to Dress                   structive evening for adults ended with
          for an Interview.”  Nine parents were in                the  children  of  the  participants  joining
          attendance,  and  they  were  actively  in-             the group and receiving Valentine’s Gift
          volved     in    the                                                          Bags and treats.  The
          presentation  as                                                              committee  is  looking
          they       enjoyed                                                            forward  to  the  chap-
          skits demonstrat-                                                             ter’s  final  event  on
          ing what to wear                                                              May 14, 2018 at 6:00
          and  what  not  to                                                            p.m. at  the  Exodus
          wear.    Included                                                             Community,            1750
          in     the       skit                                                         Highland          Avenue,
          presentation was                                                              Montgomery             Ala-
          how  to  appropri-                                                            bama.    The  topic  is
          ately accessorize                                                             “Shopping on a Budg-
          for  a  job  inter-                                                           et.”   All chapter mem-
          view, as well and                                                             bers are invited to at-
          make- up tips for                                                             tend  as  we  continue
          a  great  first  im-                                                          to  being  “Committed
          pression.    In  ad-                                                          to Impactful Service.”
          dition,  to  looking  professional  present-
          ers  stated  the  importance  of  arriving
          early  and  being  prepared for  the  inter-
          view  was  vital  in  making  a  lasting  im-
          pression  on  potential  employers.   One
          of the participants shared how a mem-
          ber  of  the  Montgomery  (AL)  Alumnae
          Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority,
          Inc., had been

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