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“What? You are a Head Teacher, a well-respected young man in the school and in the communi-
ty, you wouldn’t be so fool as to go to that altar to pray. You like dancing, how would you manage
when the local concerts and dances take place. You would lose prestige none of the big
muck-mucks will respect you if you go to that altar. The missionary kept on pleading, but he did
not respond. However, when he got home he gave his heart to Christ. There was a definite
change in his life and as a result of this he had the golden privilege of proclaiming the gospel of
Jesus Christ to the School children.” (Prayer meetings, letters).
After two years of service at Mangrove Cay, Richard was transferred to Clarence Town Long
Island where he served for another two years with similar achievements.
In 1959, He was offered a two year In Service Award Scholarship to study
General Teaching Practices specializing in Arts and Light Craft at Newland Park
College, Buckinghamshire, London in the United Kingdom an affiliate of Oxford
University. At the end of his 2-year course, he received a Diploma with Honors.
On his return to the Bahamas in 1961 he was appointed Arts Instructor at the Western Secondary
School until 1964 when he was promoted to Deputy Head Teacher. During this period at Western
Secondary, Dr. Dean was engaged in extra curricula activities such as: - Student Christian
Movement, Art Classes, and Continuation classes at nights.
In 1966 Dr. Dean was promoted to Principal at Pyfrom Road Secondary now known as
C.I. Gibson Junior High. This school was rated as one of the best secondary schools in New
After four years at Pyfrom, he was then promoted to the Immigration Department as Acting
Assistant Director. He served in this capacity for one year and was transferred to the Gaming
Board as Deputy Secretary for eight years.
He received early pension and was subsequently transferred on request as Superintendent of the
Boys Industrial School in 1979. Reformation, reshaping, purpose, putting broken pieces together
were the most rewarding achievement that he had ever experienced. Indeed, working with the
boys was certainly the highlight of his career.
Richard demonstrated at all times the concerns for the residents at the school. He was not only
anxious that they leave the school better equipped for taking their roles in society, he vigorously
pursued many programs which encouraged the residents to interact with others by inviting service
clubs, church denominations and members of the general public to include the boys in some of
their activities.
Some of the programs implemented and achieved were: - Ceramics Program, School Marching
Band, Cottage Industry program, Welding, Carving, Carpentry, Tailoring, Gardening, Livestock,
Electronics, Boxing etc… The boys were involved further in Day Release Programs, Junior
Achievement, Big Brother Program and Toast Masters.
Richard’s whole focus at the Boys School was the shaping of lives, morally, physically, mentally
and indeed spiritually. After thirteen years of service mending broken lives, he was asked to
retire. However his love of teaching returned him to the classrooms of SC McPherson for one
year where he not only taught the kids craft but also taught the young boys how a gentleman was
supposed to act.
He has been a member of the Church of God since 1961 and of Southland Cathedral COG from
its inception in the 60’s. In the early years of Southland at Quintine Alley, he formed a Youth choir
of 17 members. It was a live birth full of vigor and vitality. The main objective of the choir was to
promote the Kingdom of God through songs and while doing so, to live what they sang.