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During the choirs singing career, they held dramas,
          celebrated  annual  anniversaries,  ministered  in
          many  different  churches  sometimes  for  an  entire
          week.  They  travelled  throughout  many  of  the
          Family Islands and gained many firsts during these
          memorable years.

            First Youth Choir in the Church of God to appear
             in an official uniform.
            First to officially celebrate an annual anniversary at a national level.
            First in the C.O. G. to appear in official robes.
            Won first place for the Independence Gospel Jamboree in 1973.
            First place for best choir at the Gospel Song contest held in 1979 at the 58  Annual District
             Convention of the COG in the Bahamas.

          The choir grew to over 70 members and a Young Adult choir was formed separating the married
          ones and those over 25 years from the Younger ones.
          In  1981,  he  was  asked  to
          form  the  Church  of  God
          Mass  Choir.    This  choir
          consisted  of  about  75  choir
          members       from      various
          churches     throughout     the
          Church  of  God.    The  first
          appearance  was  at  the
          National  Annual  Convention.
          The choir grew to over 100 members.
          The choir made many appearances locally, throughout the Family Islands, and the United States.
          During the first trip to Atlanta Georgia, the Lord visited the choir in an all-night prayer meeting.
          Many became stronger in the Lord. Some were baptized in the Holy Ghost, some prophesied and
          the Choir was commissioned to continue with nightly revival services in eleven of the Churches in
          New Providence.

          Richard served in many capacities in the Church of God listed below.
          • Served as Choir Director for the following choirs:
             Church of God Coconut Grove
             Southland Youth, Young Adult & Sanctuary Choirs
             Church of God Southern District Senior Choir
             Southern District Chorale
             Church of God Mass Youth Choir

          • Organized the following groups:
             “Love lights”
             “Southland Chorus”.
             “Young Men’s Fellowship Singers”.

          He served as the Music Minister in Southland Cathedral for 39 years. He has traveled with Choirs
          to: - Bimini, Cat Island, Abaco, Freeport, Andros and many cities in the USA. He has also served
          as Secretary, Sunday School Teacher, Pastor’s Council, Choir Director, Music Minister, Deacon,
          Administrative Assistant in Southland Cathedral Church of God
          Richard a teacher and trainer at heart, gave opportunities to many persons to Direct the choir,

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