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sing and play musical instruments. At his 90 Birthday Celebration Concert, many came to sing
and give tributes to him. He thoroughly enjoyed the concert.
During his years on this earth, Richard has received many awards and many affiliations, a few of
which are listed below.
Recipient of British Empire Medal, awarded by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for long
dedicated service and particularly in the area of Youth Development
Recipient of conferred Doctor of Music Degree from Richmond Virginia Seminary.
Recipient of Bahamas Heroes Award Oct 1999.
Certificate of Appreciation for being the Choir Director at Southland Cathedral 1967-1984 from
the original Choir 1984
Certificate of Dedicated Service to Bahamian Youths as Superintendent of the Boys Industrial
School 1993
Award for 13 years of dedicated service to the Boys Industrial School 1993
Ordained as Deacon- Southland Cathedral 1999
Faithful and dedicated service as Minister of Music Church of God Southern District.
Recipient of the Kiwanis Club of Nassau, Men of Distinction Award 2001
Recipient of Layman of the Year Award COG 2005
Recipient of Maurice Mallory Award from the COG 2006
Inducted into the International Lay Ministries Hall of Christian Excellence 2006
Southland Cathedral COG Father of The Year Award 2007
Hall of Christian Excellence 2008 – Church of God International Laymen Ministries Board of
Directors & Department of Lay Ministries.
Church of God National Life Builders Outstanding Contributions to the Development of the
Men’s Ministry 2011
Honorary member and past Director Kiwanis Club - Fort Montague.
Past Member - Scouts Association of the Bahamas
Honorary Member of the Bahamas Red Cross
Past Member Full Gospel Businessmen Fellowship.
Job 5:26 NLT – “You will go to the grave at a ripe old age, like a sheaf of grain harvested at the
proper time!”
In the last two years He often spoke of being ready to go to be with the Lord. A few days prior to
being hospitalized, he spoke daily about wanting to go home as which time he was reminded that
he was home. He was not happy with that answer. Little did we know he was now talking about
his Heavenly home.
On Saturday April 11 , as he came out for breakfast, he went to the Love of his life Iris and told
her he loved her and thanked her. We didn’t think anything of it because you had done this
before. Little did we know it would be the last time.
Due to the Pandemic, the family had kept both Richard and Iris at home for over 4 weeks.
However, his chest cold seemed to be getting worse despite the over the counter meds he was
taking. It was decided despite the Covid risk on the outside, he needed to go to the hospital
where they decided to admit him for treatment.
On Thursday April 16 , He was released and was collected by Gill and Nardo. He looked very
weak and frail and they were looking forward to fattening him back up. On the way home they