Page 105 - DanielsMarzanoEvidence2020
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Princeton Alternative Elementary School
                                                    Ms. La’Tausha Daniels, Ed.S, NBCT; Interim Principal
                                                 Remote Learning Communication Log

                       Teacher Name: Valencia Eaton Jacobs                  Grade: 4A          Subject: ALL
                       Daily Office Hours:         8:30 – 9:30/1:30 – 2:30 (online instruction is 10:00-1:30 M-Th)
                       (Must be available two consecutive hours daily, Monday through Thursday, to provide instruction and communicate
                       with students/parents regarding assignments and End of the Year conferences.)
                       This Communication Log is due weekly and must be submitted in Schoology on Saturdays by 11:59pm. This documentation will be used as evidence.

                 Date/              Student Name                 Purpose          Communication            Feedback                 Notes/
                 Time                                       -Wellness Check        Class Dojo           Complete                Follow-Up
                                                            -Schoology             Zoom                 Incomplete
                                                            -Written Packet        Email                Support
                                                            -iReady/iRead          Text                 Support
                                                            -End of Year           Phone Call           Provided
                                                            Conference             Remind

                                     Goodwin, Chloe

                                      Green, Gavin           Wellness; written    Dojo & Phone calls to   Incomplete; no        Checking on packet
                 04/18                                         packet; iReady      Tracey Bradberry        response yet      completion; noticed very
                                                                                     (grandmother)                            limited iReady activity
                04/13-16              Green, Grace               Wellness;          Dojo; text; phone        Support        Given family access/contact
                                                                assignments                               req’d/provided     unlimited b/c of continued
                                                                                                                           monitoring of health; allowing
                                                                                                                             child & parent to complete
                                                                                                                              tasks as health permits
                                   Hardaway, Kenadie              iReady             Dojo w/ aunt        Support provided    Reviewed data with aunt
                 04/14                                                                                                        (current caregiver) and
                                                                                                                            strategies for improvement
                 04/18                Harris, Kasey           Wellness; online      Numerous dojos         incomplete      Sent messages to see if student
                                                              presence lacking                                                had access after 04/10
                                                                                                                            conversation with mom; no

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