Page 164 - DanielsMarzanoEvidence2020
P. 164

Directive       o  Inconsistent Lesson Plans   Teacher requires direct  Observer must use   Godwin- 5  Grade   Daniels
                         o  Ineffective Planning      assistance from an    expertise to provide   Ward- Music        Gardner (K-3)
                         o  Teacher has not internalized  expert to improve.    direct knowledge   Bailey- Art
                            lesson plan                                                         Finley- 4  Grade
                         o  Teacher has not established                                         Stewart- 2  Grade
                            routines                                                            Story- 2  Grade
                         o  Teacher does not utilize                                            Taylor- 1  Grade
                            formative assessment to                                             Cantrell- P.E.
                            determine next steps

         All New Teachers (First Year or teachers that are new to your building) should be classified as Directive. Consider Scantron
                                               data and Marzano evaluations in determining your tiers.

               ILT: Teacher Tiering System       ©2020  LaTausha Daniels Ed.S. NBCT           Effective January 2020                            2
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