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Name: La’Tausha Daniels                                                 School: Princeton Elementary School

               Date: June 12, 2020
                                                              Marzano End-of-Year Evaluation
                                                                          2019 - 2020

          Element                          Description                         NA    NU      B     D     A      I                 Evidence
            I (1)    The school leader ensures the appropriate use of data to                                        Continuous Improvement Plan, SAR, ILT
                    develop critical goals focused on improving student                                              Agenda and Minutes, School Data, Grade
                    achievement at the school.                                                                       level PLC
            I (2)   The school leader ensures appropriate analysis and                                               ILT Meeting, ILT Audit, Grade level
                    interpretation of data are used to monitor the progress of                                       PLC, Intervention Monitoring Memo,
                    each student towards meeting achievement goals.                                                  Progress Monitoring Data (System 44,
                                                                                                                     iRead, iReady), Parent Conference

            I (3)   The school leader ensures the appropriate implementation                                         Intervention Focus Plan, Intervention
                    of interventions and supportive practices to help each                                           Instructional Groups, Daily Home
                    student meet achievement goals.                                                                  instructional Flow and Parent Letter, ILT
                                                                                                                     Agenda and Minutes, Grade Level PLC

            II (1)   The school leader provides a clear vision for how                                               Remote Learning Plan, Instructional
                    instruction should be addressed in the school.                                                   Groups, E-learning Communication Logs,
                                                                                                                     PTA Meeting Agenda, Lesson Plans,
                                                                                                                     Failing Student List

            II (2)   The school leader uses knowledge of the predominant                                             Observation and Feedbacks, ILT Meeting
                    instructional practices in the school to improve teaching.                                       Agenda and Minutes, Grade Level PLC,
                                                                                                                     Student Work Samples

            II (3)   The school leader ensures that the school curriculum and                                        District PD Day Agenda and Docs,
                    accompanying assessments align with state and district                                           ALSDE ACAP PD, Faculty Half Day PD,
                    standards.                                                                                       ILT Meeting Agenda and Minutes
            II (4)   The school leader ensures that school curriculum is                                             Master Planning Schedule, ILT Meeting
                    focused on essential standards so it can be taught in the                                        and Minutes, ILT Assignments, Grade
                    time available to teachers.                                                                      Level PLC K- 2 and 3-5

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