Page 7 - DanielsMarzanoEvidence2020
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Continuous Improvement Plan 2019-2020

   Princeton Alternative Elementary School

                          Vision                                             Mission                                            Beliefs

      The vision is to educate all students academically,   The mission is to promote and inspire exemplary   We believe every student has the potental and
      socially, and physically to succeed in a global society.  student achievement, social development, and   power to lead and succeed.

                  Academics:                           Academics: Math                           Culture                            English Learner

                   Objectves                             Objectves                              Objectves                             Objectves
     • 75% of each  K, 1st, and 2nd grade students    • A 5% increase of K-2 students at or above   • A 1% increase of all students engaged in   • A 55% increase of All Students  will
      will increase  profciency at/above benchmark.  benchmark from 75% to 80% in mathematcs.  programs in atendance.     demonstrate a profciency on Engish Languge
                                                                                                                          Profciency (ELP).
     • Four percent of 3rd grade students will   • A 4% increase in student achievement for 3rd
      increase student achievement from 40%-44%.  grade from 38-42%.

     • A 4% increase of 4th grade students will   • A 4% increase in student achievement for 4th
      increase student growth meetng annual target  grade from 33-37%.
                                           • A 4% increase in student achievement for 5th
     • A 4% increase of 5th grade students will   grade from 59-63%.
      increase student growth meetng annual target

                Critcal Initatves                      Critcal Initatves                     Critcal Initatves                      Critcal Initatves
     • Teachers will utlize standards aligned grade-  • Standards Aligned Instructon K-2   • School-wide preventatve and interventon    • 1-BCS teachers use tmely and consistent WIDA
      level lesson planning, instructon, tasks,   1-Teachers will utlize           strategic plan to reduce absences      best practces

                                                                          Strategy Map                                                 Page 1 of 2
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