Page 12 - BIPAR Annual Report 2020_EN short
P. 12

Sustainable finance

                                                                 BIPAR, together with its member associations, has been            The  objective  of  these  new  rules  is  to  eliminate   contains details on the process to select the financial
          Background                                             actively following  the  Sustainable  Finance  Package            greenwashing,  i.e. the  risk that products  and  services   products  they  advise  on.  When  financial  advisers
                                                                 throughout the EU legislative procedure.                          which are marketed as sustainable or climate friendly in   do not consider the adverse impacts of investment
                                                                                                                                   reality do not meet the sustainability objectives claimed   decisions on sustainability factors in their investment
          On 24 May 2018, the European Commission published      Regulation on disclosures  relating to sustainable                to be pursued, and to increase market  awareness on    advice  or  insurance  advice,  they  shall  publish

          three proposals for EU Regulations aiming at connecting   investments and sustainability risks                           sustainability  matters. The three European Supervisory   information with the reason for why they do not do
                                                                                                                                   Authorities (ESAs), and in particular the Joint Committee   so.
          finance with the EU’s sustainable development agenda.
                                                                 The  Regulation on “sustainability-related disclosures in         of the Authorities, will further develop technical standards   2.  product level  ESG disclosures.  For  financial
          The proposals include measures to: i) create an EU
                                                                 the financial services sector” was published in the Official      to ensure harmonisation of disclosures in all the sectors   products with sustainability  (environmental or
          classification system for sustainable investments –    Journal of the EU in November 2019 (Regulation 2019/2088).        concerned.                                             social)  characteristics  or  for  financial  products  that

          known as taxonomy; ii) introduce disclosures relating to   All language versions of this Regulation can be found here.                                                          have  sustainability  objectives,  financial  market
                                                                 The Disclosures Regulation will start to apply on 10 March        During the whole EU legislative process, BIPAR stressed   participants, including  intermediaries who  act as
          sustainable investments and sustainability risks; iii) and
                                                                 2021 (15  months following the publication date). The             the importance of establishing a clear and consistent   product providers, pension products manufacturers
          establish low-carbon benchmarks and positive carbon    regulatory technical standards to be developed by the             legal framework and warned that if due  attention is   or portfolio management providers, should disclose
          impact benchmarks.                                     Joint Committee of ESAs in order to specify the details of the    not  paid  there  may  be  duplications  of  requirements  in   information in their: (a) pre-contractual disclosures,
                                                                 presentation and content of the information to be disclosed       the  various sustainability-related  legal  texts that could   (b) periodic documentation, and (c) on their website.
                                                                 will start to apply on 1 January 2022.                            undermine  legal  certainty. Moreover, BIPAR  expressed
          Valdis Dombrovskis, Vice-President responsible for
                                                                                                                                   the view that the scope of sustainability-related disclosure   The consultation  will  be  open  until  1  September 2020.
          Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets   The  Disclosures  Regulation  introduces  transparency     requirements should be limited to products marketed as   Following the close of the consultation, the draft RTS will
          Union¬ said: “Only with the help of the financial sector can   obligations  on  how insurance  intermediaries,  investment   pursuing  ESG objectives and that these requirements   be finalised and submitted to the European Commission.
                                                                 firms   and   financial   market   participants   integrate       should start to apply only after a well-built taxonomy has
          we fill the annual €180 billion funding gap to reach our
                                                                 environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks in their         been established. Finally, remuneration policies should
          2030 climate and energy targets. This will help to support a   investment decisions and advice processes, as part of their   not provide an incentive to recommend a particular (ESG)
          sustainable future for generations to come”.           duty to act in accordance with the best interests of their        product to customers.
                                                                 clients.  Under this Regulation, insurance intermediaries                                                             Regulation on Taxonomy – Ecolabels – EU Green Bond
                                                                 who provide advice with regard to IBIPs and investment            ESAs Joint Consultation on ESG Disclosures          Standard
                                                                 firms which provide investment advice are required to:
          On 8 April 2020, the European Commission launched a                                                                      On  23  April  2020,  the  three  European  Supervisory   Following  negotiations,  the  European  Commission,
          consultation on its Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy   -   include  in  their  processes  and  assess  on  a         Authorities (EIOPA, ESMA and EBA - ESAs) have issued a   the  European  Parliament and  the  Council  of  the  EU
                                                                 continuous basis, not only all relevant financial risks, but      Consultation Paper seeking input on their proposal for   reached an agreement on the final text of the Taxonomy
          which builds on the 2018 Action Plan.
                                                                 also all relevant sustainability risks that may have a material   environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure   Regulation  in  December 2019. The taxonomy will  be
                                                                 negative impact on the returns of financial products.             standards – called Regulatory Technical Standards- for   a  EU-wide  classification  system  which  will  provide  a
          Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice-President for an    -      have in place policies on how they integrate               financial market participants and financial advisers. The   common language  to identify  what  economic activities
                                                                 sustainability risks in their investment advice and publish       consultation  paper  and  the  draft  Regulatory  Technical   can be considered environmentally sustainable for the
          Economy that Works for People said: “We are currently
                                                                 them on their websites.                                           Standards  relate to  several disclosure  obligations   purposes of determining the degree of sustainability of
          battling the coronavirus outbreak, but we must not lose
                                                                 -      include in their remuneration policies information         laid  down  in  the  Regulation  on  sustainability-related   an investment.
          sight of our long-term sustainability objectives, including   on  how  their  remuneration  policies  are  consistent  with   disclosures  in  the  financial  services  sector  (Disclosures
          making Europe climate-neutral by 2050. Creating a more   the integration of sustainability risks, and publish that       Regulation). This dossier is of particular importance for   The  Taxonomy  will  based  on  six  EU  environmental
                                                                 information on their websites.                                    insurance and financial intermediaries as they fall within   objectives:
          sustainable and resilient economy will be a key focus
                                                                                                                                   the scope of the Disclosures Regulation.            1.     climate change mitigation;
          of the recovery phase and the Renewed Sustainable                                                                                                                            2.     climate change adaptation;

          Finance Strategy will be essential to mobilising much-                                                                   The draft Regulatory  Technical  Standards  are proposed   3.   sustainable  use  and  protection  of water and
                                                                                                                                   with regards to the publication of:                 marine resources;
          needed capital. This consultation is an opportunity for all
                                                                                                                                                                                       4.     transition to a circular economy;
          Europeans, companies, civil society organisations and                                                                    1.  entity-level principal adverse impact disclosures.   5.   pollution prevention and control; and
          public authorities to contribute to the EU’s sustainable                                                                     Financial advisers should  publish  on their website   6.   protection  and  restauration of  biodiversity  and

          finance agenda, and how it can contribute to the economic                                                                    an “adverse sustainability impacts statement” which   ecosystems.
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