Page 14 - BIPAR Annual Report 2020_EN short
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products should include a) information on the environmental   EU Green Bond. The TEG reiterates that the use of EU GBS
          For an economic activity to qualify as environmentally sustainable, the following                                        objective(s) to which the investment underlying the financial   remains voluntary. Issuers of green bonds that do not want
          requirements shall be fulfilled. The economic activity must:                                                             product contributes, and b) a description of how and to what   to use the term “EU Green Bond” and prefer opting for
          1.     contribute substantively to at least one of the six environmental                                                 extent the investments underlying the financial product are   other market practices are not obliged to follow the four
                         objectives listed above;                                                                                  invested in environmentally sustainable economic activities.   components of the EU GBS. The TEG proposes that any type
          2.     not significantly harm any of the environmental objectives;                                                       The “light green” products should be also accompanied by   of listed or unlisted bond or capital market debt instrument
          3.     be carried out in compliance with minimum social safeguards;                                                      the statement: “the investments underlying the remaining   issued by a European or international issuer that is aligned
          4.     comply with specific “technical screening criteria”.                                                              portion of this financial product do not take into account the   with the EU GBS should qualify as an EU Green Bond. The
                                                                                                                                   EU criteria for environmentally sustainable investments”.   proposed EU GBS sets out four core components:
                                                                                                                                   Where  financial  products  do  not  have  environmental
          Scope                                                                                                                    investment as its objective or they do not promote   (1)   The alignment of the use-of-proceeds with the EU
          The Taxonomy Regulation applies in principle to (all) financial products made                                            environmental or social characteristics , they should be   Taxonomy.
          available  by  financial  market  participants.  “Financial  market  participants”                                       accompanied by a disclaimer.                        (2)    The content of a Green Bond Framework (GBF) to
          means any insurance undertaking  which makes available an IBIP, any                                                                                                          be produced by the issuer to explain to investors and other
          investment  firm  or  credit  institution  which  provides  portfolio  management,                                       Time of application                                 market participants their approach and disclosures for bond
          an IORP, a manufacturer of pension  products, an AIFM,  a PEPP provider, a                                               The Taxonomy Regulation will be published in the EU Official   issuance aligned with the EU GBS.
          UCITS management company, a manager of a qualifying venture capital fund                                                 Journal (OJ) following formal adoption by the Council of the   (3)   The  required  Allocation  Reporting  and  Impact
          or of a qualifying social entrepreneurship fund. Consequently, the Taxonomy                                              EU (National Ministers) and the EP (plenary) and following   Reporting. This is information on the total proceeds, the
          Regulation does not apply (directly) to insurance intermediaries that provide                                            legal linguistic revision.                          amount allocated as of the end of the reporting period, as
          insurance  advice  with  regard  to  IBIPs  and  investment  firms  which  provide                                       Once published in the OJ, the Regulation will enter into force   well  as  a  breakdown  by  activities  (e.g.  renewable  energy
          investment advice. On  the contrary, the Disclosures Regulation applies to                                               20 days after its publication. It will be binding in its entirety   (solar and wind), energy efficient buildings, public transport
          intermediaries directly.                                                                                                 and directly applicable in all Member States. It will apply by   etc.), and reference to the environmental objectives and the
                                                                                                                                   31 December 2021 as regards the (1) and (2) environmental   environmental impact.
          The Taxonomy can be used, not only for designing green financial products by                                             objectives and by 31 December 2022 as regards the (3), (4),   (4)   The  requirements  for  external  verification  by
          those marketing portfolio management, UCITS funds, alternative investment                                                (5) and (6) environmental objectives, as mentioned above.  an  approved  verifier.  The  EU  GBS  institutes  mandatory
          funds  (AIFs),  insurance-based  investment  products  (IBIP),  pension  products                                                                                            prior (before or at the time of issuance) verification of the
          and  pension  schemes, but  also for selecting  holdings,  identifying/expressing                                                                                            alignment of Green Bond with the Taxonomy as well as
          investment  preferences or measuring  the  environmental  performance of  an                                             EU Green Bond Standard                              ex-post verification of the actual allocation of the proceeds
          equity or bond fund.                                                                                                                                                         to green eligible  projects as listed  in  the  Allocation
                                                                                                                                   The Technical Expert Group (TEG) on Sustainable Finance set   Reporting.
          Furthermore, according to the latest draft amendments to the IDD Delegated                                               up by the European Commission launched in March 2019 a   The European Commission will explore the possibility of
          Act  and  MiFID  II  Delegated  Act  (expected  to  be  adopted  by  the  EC  shortly),                                  call for feedback on its preliminary recommendations for the   a legislative initiative for an EU Green Bond  Standard.
          financial and insurance intermediaries will be required to take into account the                                         development of an EU Green Bond Standard (GBS). The TEG   The EC will collect feedback on the EU GBS in the context
          clients’ Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) preferences, if any, in the                                          proposed a voluntary EU GBS building on existing market   of  the  public  consultation  on  the  renewed  sustainable
          suitability assessment before providing investment advice. The Taxonomy can                                              practices and closely linked to the EU taxonomy. The EU GBS   finance strategy, taking place from 8 April to 15 July 2020.
          be therefore useful for financial and insurance intermediaries to identify their                                         is planned to be accessible to issuers located in the EU and   A separate dedicated consultation  with  regards to a
          client’s ESG preferences and to recommend products which correspond to such                                              also to issuers outside the EU, and to rely on a verification   Commission initiative for an EU GBS will be carried out in
          preferences.                                                                                                             and an accreditation structure. The TEG presented its Report   the future.
                                                                                                                                   on EU Green Bond Standard to the EC in June 2019 which
                                                                                                                                   reflected the feedback received from stakeholders and the   EU Ecolabel
          Disclosure obligations                                                                                                   analysis conducted by the Group.
          The Taxonomy Regulation introduces further disclosure obligations. A distinction                                                                                             In  its Action  Plan on  Sustainable  Finance published  in
          is  made  between  financial  products  that  have  environmental  investment  as  its                                   In March 2020, the TEG on Sustainable Finance published its   March 2018, the European Commission mentions that the
          objective  -“dark  green”  financial  products-  and  financial  products  that  promote                                 usability guide for the EU Green Bond Standard. The Guide   Commission sees the potential merit in the use of the EU
          environmental and social characteristic -“light green” financial products- in line with                                  offers recommendations to the potential issuers, verifiers   Ecolabel Regulation to create a voluntary EU-wide labelling
          the distinction made in the Disclosures Regulation (Art.9 & Art.8 respectively). In these                                and investors of EU Green Bonds, on the practical application   scheme. In this framework, the European Commission is
          two categories, the information to be disclosed by those making available financial                                      of the EU GBS, as it was described in the TEG Report on the   currently developing  a EU Ecolabel for Retail Financial

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