Page 11 - BIPAR Annual Report 2020_EN short
P. 11

Capital Markets Union


 Background  The CMU Action Plan of September 2015 was built around the following key   1.   Adopting and promoting a capital market that offers saving products to serve citizens’
 principles:  needs  and  that  allocates  capital  to  value  creating  investments  in  the  real,  innovating  and
            sustainable economy.
 The European Union defines the CMU   •   Creating more opportunities for investors;  2.   Building/strengthening an integrated, competitive, deep and liquid European Capital
 as “ways of reducing fragmentation   •   Connecting financing to the real economy;  Market, to maintain the EU as one of the top 2 financial centres of the world.
 •   Fostering a stronger and more resilient financial system;
 in financial markets, diversifying
 •   Deepening financial integration and increasing competition.  Also in October 2019 the European Commission launched the concept of a High Level Forum
 financing sources, strengthening cross   on capital markets union which is to propose targeted policy recommendations for future CMU

 border capital flows and improving   The Action Plan contained a list of actions and (non-) legislative initiatives,   actions, to ensure that citizens and businesses can access capital markets across the EU on
 such as on personal pensions or sustainable finance. Indeed, many current   equal terms and irrespective of their geographical location.
 access to finance for businesses,
 legislative proposals, for example, the PEPP Regulation, the proposals on
 particularly SMEs”. A Green Paper
 sustainable finance or the ESAs review are main building blocks of the CMU.
 was published in February 2015 in   In March 2020 the CMU High-Level Forum published its interim report, stating that the following

 this respect, followed by an Action   The 2017 CMU Mid-Term Review set out priority actions  and legislative   measures (among others) could be envisaged to complete the CMU:
 proposals on which the Commission wanted to move quickly (for instance,
 Plan in September 2015. The follow-
 the  review  of  the  prudential  regime  for  investment  firms  and  the  PEPP   -   To steer citizens towards long-term investment products,
 up work consisted of a Mid-Term   proposal) and the 2018 Communication (“Completing the Capital Markets   -   To facilitate access to high-quality advice,
 Review in 2017, a Communication to   Union by 2019 - time to accelerate delivery), contained amongst others   -   To improve access to simple and transparent investment products,
 further Action Plans on Sustainable Finance and Fintech.  -   To improve access to trustworthy financial advice, including genuinely independent
 accelerate delivery in March 2018 and
 a progress report in March 2019. With
 In March 2019, the Commission published a Communication on the CMU:
 regard to CMU, BIPAR stressed the   “Progress on building a single market for capital for a strong economic and   On  10  June  2020,  the  HLF  published  its  final  report.  It  makes  (among  many  other
 need for the EU to focus on initiatives   monetary union”. This 2019 Progress Report takes stock of the completion of   recommendations and as expected) recommendations to complete the CMU with regard
 the building blocks of the CMU, stating that the Commission has now tabled   to fostering retail investment. Examples of the recommendations made for this topic to the
 that reduce administrative burden for
 all envisaged legislative proposals and stressing the need for the European   Commission include:
 (small) firms. BIPAR also stated that,   Parliament and the Council to accelerate work on the pending proposals
 to remain competitive and attractive,   to ensure their completion by the end of the legislative cycle. Finally, the   -   to examine consistency of IDD IBIPs rules with MiFID rules such as ban on commission
 Commission adds that legislation alone will not deliver the CMU. Member   for independent advice for IBIPs;
 the EU must avoid overregulation,
 States, national authorities and private stakeholders all play a vital role in   -   to examine the role of inducements for the adequacy of advice,
 that there is a need for stability and
 building the CMU. Future action will need to reflect the impact on capital   -   to examine how transparency of inducements can be further improved;
 supervision must be tailored for the   markets of the UK’s departure from the EU and other short or medium-  -   to introduce in IDD and MiFID certificates to prove training;
 sector. Currently a High Level Forum   term economic and societal challenges (such as climate and technological   -   to introduce a pan-European quality mark (label) for European financial advisors to be
 developments).   used on voluntary basis;
 on capital markets union is preparing
            -      to review asap the PRIIPs Regulation;
 targeted policy recommendations for   In May 2019, the French, German and Dutch finance ministers signed a joint   -   to analyse and assess all relevant disclosure rules in place
 future CMU actions. The Commission   plan, calling for more integrated capital markets in Europe. They point at
 climate and technological change, as well as Brexit, making the need for a   The  report  contains  17  recommendations  in  total  on  various  issues.  The  Commission  also
 is expected to issue a new CMU action
 well-designed capital market for the EU to become an urgent strategic issue.   launched a consultation on the report, which runs until 30 June and to which BIPAR will respond.
 Plan by Q4 2020.
 In October 2019, the 3 finance Ministers presented the report of this “Next
 Capital Markets Union” high-level working group at the Eurogroup meeting.   Next steps
 The Group suggests amongst others a new name for CMU: “Savings and
 Sustainable Investment Union” and invites political leaders to focus on two   In  its 2019  Progress Report, the  European Commission calls on  the  European Council  to
 EU major objectives:   renew its commitment to the CMU and endorse these efforts for its next Strategic Agenda.

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