Page 31 - BIPAR Annual Report 2020_EN
P. 31

EU Regulation on

                                                            KID for PRIIPs

 is particularly challenging until there is further clarity of the trading landscape post-Brexit.   Subject matter and scope   Background

 ESMA started working on the review reports under MiFID II, amongst others with a call for evidence on the disclosure of   The Regulation applies to packaged retail and insurance-based investment
 inducements, costs and charges published in July 2019, to which BIPAR responded. Early April 2020, ESMA published its   products, which are, broadly speaking, products where the amount repayable,   The PRIIPs EU Regulation introduces
 report containing technical advice to the Commission. In the advice, ESMA does not call for a complete ban on induce-  or the maturity or surrender value, is subject to fluctuations. It does not apply   a standardised, easy to understand,
 ments under MiFID II. It does call on the Commission to assess the impact the MiFID II inducements regime has had on   to non-life insurance or to life insurance contracts where the benefits under   precontractual “Key Information
 the distribution of retail investment products across the Union, the effects a ban on inducements would have on the   the contract are payable only on death or incapacity due to injury, sickness
 different distribution models existing in the Union and what actions that could be taken to mitigate the risk of undesired   or  infirmity.  It  does  not  apply  to  “simple”  deposits,  certain  securities  and   Document (KID)” for PRIIPs, which
 consequences of an  inducements ban.   pensions  (for  pensions,  the  Commission should  assess the  situation  in  its   should facilitate comparison between
            review).                                                          different products. The Regulation has
 ESMA added that to assess the potential positive or negative effects of a ban, “the impact of the bans as introduced in
 the Netherlands and the United Kingdom should be examined” and that such impact assessment be carried out and any   The Regulation only aims at the protection of retail investors (i.e. “client” as   applied since January 2018, is binding
 following actions be taken in relation to all retail investment products, not just MiFID financial instruments. ESMA also   defined in MiFID II or “customer” as defined in IMD I where that customer   in its entirety and directly applicable in
 suggests considering additional actions to also tackle investor protection issues arising in “closed-distribution models”.  would not qualify as a professional client as defined in MiFID II).  all Member States.

 Regarding the MiFID II costs and charges disclosure regime, ESMA also stated that investment products with the same   Key issues for intermediaries/financial advisers
 characteristics should be treated the same.
            BIPAR agreed, from the outset, that for all products which include an investment risk, specific, proportional and relevant
 The Commission launched its public consultation on the review of MiFID II in February 2020. The consultation asks   pre-contractual information should be available. BIPAR requested clear confirmation about who is responsible for the
 amongst others if there should be an outright ban on inducements and looks at the existing rules such as on Product   KID. Throughout the legislative process BIPAR opposed any additions to the KID regarding information on the person
 Oversight and Governance. Taking into account the Covid-19 crisis, BIPAR asked for an extension of the deadline to   selling the product, which is already adequately addressed in specific instruments, such as MiFID and IDD.  Since the
 respond, which was accepted. BIPAR stated it believes the current MiFID II framework lacks proportionality for small   application, BIPAR discussed with its members the availability and use of KIDs in practice, for example, on risk rating and
 financial intermediaries or advisers. Certain targeted improvements to the MiFID II regulatory framework would be wel-  the risk scales used, on the costs/pricing scenario for the basis of the KID, on performance scenarios and on the specific
 come, but always after profound stakeholder discussion and considering the Covid-19 related situation. BIPAR recalled   case of UCITs (Undertakings for the Collective Investment in Transferable Securities - see below).
 that the current system offers transparent choice for investors between different advice models in a strictly regulated
 and supervised system.

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