Page 33 - BIPAR Annual Report 2020_EN
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Responsibilities of  the manufacturer/person   Form and content of the Key Information   Level 2 measures   At  the  end  of  2018,  the  three  European  Supervisory
 selling  Document                                              Authorities  consulted  on  targeted amendments to the
            -       A  delegated  Regulation  on  the  content  and   Delegated Regulation covering the rules for the KID for
 The  manufacturer  is  defined  as  “any  entity  that   The KID is  a maximum of  3  pages,  is clear and   presentation of the KID, including the calculation of costs;   PRIIPs.  BIPAR responded to the consultation:
 manufactures PRIIPs and any entity that makes changes   understandable/readable  and  is  intended  to provide   the review/revision of the KID; and the provision of the
 to an existing PRIIP, including, but not limited to, altering   information  on the  nature, risks, costs, potential  gains   KID.   -   calling for a thorough review of the KID for PRIIPs,
 its risk and reward profile or the costs associated with an   and losses of the product and help comparison with other   -   A delegated Regulation on product intervention   -   stressing that it does not support  investors
 investment in a PRIIP”.  products.  It contains information on:   -   There was an empowerment for a Delegated Act   receiving both the UCITs KIID and the PRIIPs KID and that
 -   the manufacturer and supervisor,   on the details of procedures to establish if a PRIIP targets   in the meantime, it is better to keep the current system
 The person selling a PRIIP is defined as “a person offering   -   the date,   specific environmental or social objectives (“EOS PRIIPs”)   i.e. an exemption for UCITs so that UCITS management
 or concluding a PRIIP contract with a retail investor”.   -   if needed, a comprehension alert warning to the   but the Commission did not publish a Delegated Act (the   companies can continue providing a KIID instead of a KID.
 investor that the product is not simple,   ESAs did publish their technical advice to the Commission   -   supporting the inclusion of past performance in
 The  product  manufacturer  -  before  making  a  PRIIP   -   the nature and main features of the product (type;   in  July 2017 for  which BIPAR  provided  input.   For more   the KID’s performance scenarios.
 available to retail investors -  draws up  the  KID  and   objectives and means for achieving them; description of   detail see last year’s Annual Report). At the end of 2018,
 publishes it on his website. The person advising or selling   the type of retail investor to whom the PRIIP is intended to   the Commission did  start working  however on  the
 must provide the KID to the investor for free and in good   be marketed; details of insurance benefits- if any; terms   development of an “EU Ecolabel for Financial Products”   In  February  2019,  the  ESAs  published  their  final
 time before the latter is bound by any contract or offer.   of the PRIIP),  (see article on sustainable finance for more information).  recommendations. They decided not to propose targeted
 -   the risk-reward profile,                                   amendments to PRIIPs at that time, but to initiate a more
 The Regulation also contains a reference to persons   -   the consequences of default of the manufacturer,   Level 3 measures   comprehensive  revision  of  the  level  2  PRIIPs  Delegated
 advising  or selling  PRIIPs with  regard to complaints-  -   the costs (summary  indicators and total   Regulation  in 2019,  amongst others, on performance
 handling. Indeed they also (together with manufacturers)   aggregate costs) - reference is made to distribution costs   -   Interpretative  Guidelines  on  the  KID  by  the   and  cost  disclosure.   In  a  public  hearing  on  PRIIPs,  the
 have  to  establish  appropriate  procedures  and  to be provided by the advisors, distributors or any other   Commission  (July  2017),  covering  issues  such  as   ESAs explained that their work will focus on level 2, but
 arrangements that  ensure  that  retail investors  have   person advising on or selling the PRIIP.   application  of PRIIPs rules by Multi-Option  Products’   if they find that level 1 changes are needed, they would
 an  effective  way  of  submitting  a  complaint  against  the   (MOPs) manufacturers, KIDs for IBIPs, PRIIPs only sold by   recommend such  changes  too. They added  that some
 manufacturer, that they receive a substantive reply in a   intermediaries; etc. Guidelines are not legally binding and   further differentiation for certain PRIIPs may be needed
 timely and proper manner, and that procedures are also   are based on stakeholder feedback  received, amongst   and that they will also do consumer testing regarding
 available in case of cross-border disputes.  others from BIPAR.   the existing KID and possible alternatives. Alongside the
            -       “Questions and Answers” on the KID by the ESAs   recommendations, the ESAs also published a supervisory
            (latest sets published in July 2018 and April 2019). Q&As   statement recommending PRIIP manufacturers to include
            are also not legally binding,  nor are  they subject to a   a warning in the KID, so retail investors are aware of the
            “comply or explain”  procedure. They  aim at “promoting   limitations of the current performance scenarios.
            common supervisory approaches and practices in the
            implementation  of  the  KID”.  They  cover issues  such  as   In parallel, the European legislators agreed to extend the
            costs added  by  brokers, the  meaning  of  biometric risk   deadline for the review of the PRIIPs Regulation until 31
            premium/insurance premium, the role of advisers and   December 2019 and to extend the exemption for UCITs so
            intermediaries in case of Multi-Option Products (MOPs),   they can continue providing a KIID instead of a KID until
            etc.                                                end 2021.

            Review of PRIIPs / Next steps                       In October 2019, the ESAs launched a new consultation
                                                                setting out proposed amendments to the PRIIPs
            The Commission was due to review the PRIIPs Regulation   Delegated Regulation on the KID. The review is to address
            by 31 December 2018, including specific surveys such as   the main regulatory issues identified by stakeholders and
            the inclusion in the scope of pensions or a market survey   supervisors since the implementation of the KID and to
            on national online  fund  calculators. The Commission,   make specific changes to allow the rules to be applied to
            however, did not meet this deadline.                UCITs.

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