Page 38 - BIPAR Annual Report 2020_EN
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to build European data spaces, for instance financial services,   FinTech-InsurTech                                      Digital  finance  is  the  term  used  to  describe  the  impact   roundtable discussions at EU and national level. This is an
          industrial manufacturing, the green deal, mobility or health.                                                            of  new  technologies  on  the  financial  services  industry.    It   occasion for the Commission to gather together stakeholders
          The Commission is also planning to present later in 2020 a   Background                                                  includes  a  variety  of  products,  applications,  processes  and   in digital finance from across the EU, exchange experiences
          Digital Services Act to establish clear rules for all businesses to                                                      business models that have transformed the traditional way   and create awareness on this commission consultation.
          access the Single Market, to strengthen the responsibility of   In March 2018, the European Commission published an Action   of providing banking and financial services.    BIPAR  has  been  following  the  DG  FISMA  roundtables  on
          online platforms and to protect fundamental rights.   Plan  on  FinTech:  “For  a  more  competitive  and  innovative                                                        digital  finance  that  took  place  between  March  and  May
          The White Paper on AI is now open for public consultation until   European financial sector”. The Action Plan contains different   Digital Finance Strategy 2020             2020. Some of these roundtables focused on: a technology-
          14 June 2020. BIPAR has launched an internal consultation   actions around three main objectives:                        The  European  Commission  launched  on  3  April  2020  a   neutral and innovation-friendly regulatory framework, open
          amongst its member-associations and based on the feedback                                                                consultation on a new Digital Finance Strategy for Europe/  finance/open  insurance,  crypto-assets,  digital  operational
          collected submitted its contribution to the Commission.  1.  Enabling  innovative  business  models  to  reach  EU       Fintech  Action  Plan.  This  consultation  seeks  views  on  the   resilience  framework  for  financial  services  and  digital
                                                                scale  (actions  regarding  licensing  requirements,               possible measures needed to further enable innovative   sustainable finance
          Liability and AI                                      standardization and innovation facilitators).                      digital financial services in the EU, while considering possible
          The Report on “the safety and liability implications of Artificial   2.  Supporting the uptake of technological innovation in the   competition issues with BigTech companies.  The  consultation  is  open  until  26  June  2020.  BIPAR  has
          Intelligence, the Internet of Things and robotics”, which   financial sector (including a review of the suitability of                                                       launched  an  internal  consultation  amongst  its  member-
          accompanies  this  White  Paper,  analyses  the  relevant  legal   existing  rules  by  an  expert  group,  removing  obstacles   According  to  the  Commission,  «  digital  finance  can   associations and based on the feedback collected it will
          framework.  It  identifies  uncertainties  as  to  the  application   to cloud services, an EU blockchain initiative, and an EU   contribute  in  a  number  of  ways  to  tackle  the  COVID-19   submit  its  contribution  to  the  Commission.  Some  of  the
          of the product safety and liability framework with respect   Fintech Lab, leveraging technology to support distribution   outbreak  and  its  consequences  for  citizens,  businesses,   key  current  BIPAR  positions  on  digital  finance  can  be
          to  the  specific  risks  posed  by  AI  systems  and  other  digital   of retail investment products across the Single Market)  and the economy at large. […] digitalisation of the financial   summarized as follows:
          technologies.                                      3.  Enhancing security and integrity of the financial sector          sector can be expected to accelerate as a consequence of   “Same risks, same rules” principle should be observed.
                                                                (cybersecurity/ cyber resilience).                                 the pandemic. The coronavirus emergency has underscored   -   The regulatory framework should be technology
          The Report concludes that the current product safety                                                                     the importance of innovations in digital financial products   neutral allowing for a level-playing field for all players and
          legislation already supports an extended concept of safety   The European Commission’s FinTech Action Plan mandated      services, including for those who are not digital native, as   service providers.
          protecting against all kind of risks arising from the product   EIOPA, along with the other ESAs to:                     during the lockdown everybody is obliged to rely on remote   -   Guidance and supervisory sandboxes can be
          according to its use. However, provisions explicitly covering                                                            services. At the same time, as people have access to their   a good way to support innovation. An issue regarding
          new risks presented by the emerging digital technologies   •   explore the need for guidelines on outsourcing to cloud   bank  accounts  and  other  financial  services  remotely,  and   sandboxes is that compliance with the rules by incumbent
          could be introduced to provide more legal                        service providers by the first half of 2019,            as  financial  sector  employees  work  remotely,  the  digital   market players should not bring them into a situation where
          certainty. For example, possible amendments                      and                                                     operational resilience of the financial sector has becoming   they are disadvantaged (in terms of innovation) compared
          to the Product Liability Directive will be                    •   conduct further analysis and identify best             even more important. »                              to start ups, who may have more freedom because they are
          examined in order to include services provided                   practices on innovation facilitators.                                                                       not covered by the same rules.
          (not only goods) and to adapt the burden of                                                                              The Digital Finance consultation is structured in three   -   Competitions issues with BigTech companies
          proof  required  for  damage  caused  by  the                 Additionally,  EIOPA  is  currently  mapping               sections corresponding to the three priority areas:  should be studied and it is necessary to make sure that all
          operation  of  AI  applications  (fault-based  vs             possible  barriers  to  InsurTech  as  well  as  the       1.  Ensuring that the existing EU financial services regulatory   players can compete in a fair way.
          strict liability).                                            current authorising and licensing requirements                 framework is fit for the digital age (looking into whether   -   Regarding data protection issues, it is necessary to
                                                                        and  is  assessing  how  the  principle  of                    the principle of technology neutrality works).  clarify how the financial data open space will fit in the GDPR
          In the consultation on the White Paper on AI,      proportionality  is  being  applied  in  practice  in  the  area  of   2.  Enabling consumers and firms to reap the opportunities   and how it will be developed (e.g. data portability issue, data
          the Commission asks, in addition to the targeted questions   financial  innovation.  The  mandate  to  ESAs  also  included:   offered by the EU-wide Single Market for digital financial   ownership issues).
          for a regulatory framework for AI, whether the Product   to  map  the  existing  supervisory  practices  across  financial   services (looking into any barriers/fragmentation in the
          Liability  Directive  should  be  amended  to  better  cover  the   sectors  around  ICT  (Information  and  Communication   Single Market).                                 Next steps
          risks  engendered  by  certain  AI  applications.  The  European   Technology) security and governance requirements, and a) to   3.  Promoting  a  data-driven  financial  sector  for  the   The Commission will propose in Q3 2020 a new Digital
          Commission is planning to present legislative proposals on AI   consider issuing guidelines aimed at supervisory convergence   benefit of EU consumers and firms (looking into how   Finance Strategy/FinTech Action Plan that sets out a number
          in Q4 2020/Q1 2021.                                and  enforcement  of  ICT  risk  management  and  mitigation              to  improve  market  transparency  and  access  to  data   of areas that public policy should focus on in the coming five
          As far as the work of the European Parliament is concerned,   requirements in the EU financial sector and, b) if necessary,   through standards).                            year. The Commission may also add other measures already
          the EP (JURI Committee) has proposed on its own initiative a   provide the Commission with technical advice on the need for                                                  announced to further support the digital transformation of
          draft Report on a “Civil liability regime for Artificial Intelligence”.   legislative improvements.                      In  the  framework  of  the  consultation  on  Digital  Finance   the European economy, including new policies and strategies
                                                                                                                                   Strategy,  the Commission-DG  FISMA- is  organising  online   on data, artificial intelligence, platforms and cybersecurity

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