Page 41 - BIPAR Annual Report 2020_EN
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Other Initiatives Related to FinTech/InsurTech  used by (re)insurance undertakings. According to EIOPA, it is   regulatory and supervisory expectations. However, some   EIOPA understands as regulatory barriers to Insurtech those
 used mainly by newcomers, within a few market niches and   competent authorities believe that some operational   legal provisions that are outdated and/or unnecessary
 o   Outsourcing to cloud service providers  by larger undertakings for non-critical functions. However,   challenges or risks could be slightly increased by innovation   and/or excessive in  a  digital  environment  and where  the
 EIOPA published in March 2020 its Guidelines on outsourcing   as part of their wider digital transformation strategies many   facilitators (keeping pace with the industry, domestic   underlying public policy objectives might be achieved in a
 to cloud service providers. Cloud services are a combination   European large (re)insurers are expanding using the cloud.  coordination and cross border cooperation and an impact   comparable way without hindering financial innovation.
 of a business and delivery models that enable on-demand   on a level playing field).  EIOPA found that, while addressing some of the barriers may
 access to a shared pool of resources such as applications,   EIOPA  concluded  that  the  purchase  of  cloud  computing   justify legislative changes (such as the paper requirement
 servers,  storage  and  network  security.  The  services  are,   services falls within the broader scope of outsourcing   Based on this analysis, ESAs propose a set of best practices   by  default),  others  are  justified  from  a  regulatory  and
 typically,  delivered  in  the  form  of  Software  as  a  Service   (Solvency II, EIOPA Guidelines on system of governance).   for the design and operation of innovation facilitators.  The   supervisory standpoint, or may be addressed by the
 (“SaaS”), Platform as a Service (“PaaS”) and Infrastructure as   However,  the  current guidance  on  these  regulatory   best practices are intended to: (i) promote consistency across   application of the principle of proportionality (e.g. existing
 a Service (“IaaS”).   measures, including at national level, is not homogenous.   the single market in the design and operation of innovation   capital requirements) or via practical guidance (e.g.
 At the same time, the majority of the NSAs responsible for   facilitators; (ii) promote transparency of regulatory and   outsourcing requirements for cloud computing services,
 The aim of these Guidelines is to:  both banking and (re)insurance supervision are considering   supervisory policy outcomes resulting from interactions   access to data, processing of personal data and Big Data
 (a)  provide  clarification  and  transparency  to  market   the Recommendations issued by the European Banking   between  competent  authorities  and  firms  in  the  context   Analytics tools).
 participants avoiding potential regulatory arbitrages;  Authority (EBA), which have been integrated into further   of innovation facilitators; and (iii) facilitate cooperation
 (b) foster supervisory convergence regarding the   Guidelines on outsourcing arrangements as a reference for   between national authorities, including consumer and data   o   Report on best practices on licensing requirements,
 expectations and processes applicable in relation to cloud   the management of cloud outsourcing. EIOPA developed   protection authorities.  peer-to-peer insurance and proportionality
 outsourcing.  Draft  Guidelines  on  Cloud  Outsourcing  in  2019,  building   Amongst  the  7  operating  principles  for  regulatory   In March 2019, EIOPA published a Report on “Best Practises
 on  the  substance  of  the  EBA  Recommendations  and  had   sandboxes, it is interesting to note the following one that   on Licencing Requirements, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Insurance
 These Guidelines are addressed to insurance and   launched a consultation seeking for stakeholders input.  is an important principle that BIPAR has been promoting   and the Principle of Proportionality in an InsurTech Context”.
 reinsurance undertakings (collectively ”undertaking(s)”)   over the  last years: “Regulatory sandboxes  should  not   As part of the European Commission’s Fintech Action Plan,
 and  to  competent  authorities  and  they  provide  guidance   o   Innovation Facilitators  allow the disapplication of regulatory requirements under   EIOPA mapped in its Report current licencing requirements
 on how the outsourcing requirements foreseen in Articles   The ESAs published in January 2019 a Joint Report on   EU law. However, levers for proportionality available   regulated in Solvency II and in IDD, assessed how they
 13(28), 38 and 49 of the Solvency II Directive and Article 274   innovation facilitators: regulatory sandboxes and innovation   to  the  relevant authority/ies  may be  made available in   apply  to  InsurTech  firms  and  analysed  how  the  principle
 of the Delegated Regulation should apply in the context of   hubs.  The  ESAs  define  innovation  hubs  as  “schemes   the context of regulatory sandboxes and applied in the   of proportionality is being applied in practice in the area of
 outsourcing to cloud service.   whereby regulated or unregulated entities can engage with   same way as to firms outside the sandbox. Explanatory   financial innovation (e.g. InsurTech start-ups).
 competent authorities on FinTech-related issues and seek   notes: Regulatory sandboxes  may not  be  used  as a
 non -binding guidance on the conformity of innovative   mechanism to dispense  with  requirements under  EU   Based on the evidence gathered, EIOPA found that the EU
 financial  products,  services,  business  models  or  delivery   law, such as the requirement to obtain a licence before   InsurTech market is at an early stage but evolving. EIOPA
 mechanisms  with  licensing,  registration  and/or  regulatory   carrying out certain financial services, such as payments   believes that regulation and supervision must be technology
 requirements.” Regulatory sandboxes, on the other hand,   services, insurance services etc. Levers for proportionality   neutral (mainly for consumer protection reasons) and must
 are defined as “schemes set up by a competent authority   embedded into law, for instance with regard to systems   ensure a level playing field and it underlines that facilitating
 that provides regulated and unregulated entities with the   and controls requirements, may be applied in the context   innovation  is  not  about  de-regulation.  To  the  extent  that
 opportunity to test, pursuant to a testing plan agreed and   of firms participating in a regulatory sandbox in the same   InsurTech activities involve the carrying out of a regulated
 monitored by a dedicated function of the relevant authority,   way as to firms outside the sandbox”  activity, the appropriate licence is required. In line with
 innovative products or services, business models, or delivery   normal  authorisation practices,  a  proportionate approach
 mechanisms, related to the carrying out of financial services”.  The  ESAs  explain  in  the  report  that  they  will  continue  to   may be applied for the assessment of conformity with the
            monitor developments regarding national innovation   conditions for authorisation (e.g. in terms of expectations
 The report sets out a comparative analysis of the national   facilitators in the EU and will take further steps to promote   regarding governance processes, systems and controls
 innovation facilitators established to date within the EU   an accommodative and common approach towards FinTech   requirements, which take into account the specificities and
 Member  States.  The  majority  of  competent  authorities   in the EU.   risks inherent to InsurTech).
 reported  that  innovation  facilitators  offer  opportunities
 EIOPA published in March 2019 a Report on “Outsourcing   to  gain  a  better  understanding  of  innovation  in  financial   o   Regulatory Barriers to InsurTech  EIOPA concludes that so far there seems to be no need for
 to the Cloud: EIOPA’s Contribution to the European   services (gaining nearly “real time” insights into emerging   Following a consultation via an online survey, EIOPA has   further regulatory steps considering licencing requirements
 Commission  Fintech  Action  Plan”.    Based  on  a  survey   technologies and their application in the financial services,   identified  a  number  of  potential  barriers  for  InsurTech  in   and the principle of proportionality. However, EIOPA
 conducted by the National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs),   anticipating regulatory/supervisory issues, responding   European insurance legislation.   proposes  to  NCAs  non  legally  binding  best  practices  in
 EIOPA found that cloud computing is not yet extensively   proactively  etc..)  and  for  firms  to  understand  better  the   relation to InsurTech licencing requirements and the

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