Page 90 - Engine IQflip'21
P. 90

Requests for gas units

                            Static                                                                            LVRT: Low-Voltage-Ride-Through,

                            ⁄ Requirements define ranges for voltage and                                      which for generating units consist on the
                               frequency deviations where the generating                                      need to stay connected to the grid during a
                               units shall not disconnect                                                     short-circuit at the point of connection

                            ⁄ Extended power factor range!                                                    (POC)  following a pre-defined profile
                                                                                                              which is different in each country.


                            ⁄ Not to disconnect from network in                                               Certification: Country specific - eg. BDEW
                               the event of LVRT network faults
                            ⁄ Support with reactive current                                                   •   Unit certification (Einheitszertifikat)

                            ⁄ After fault clearance not to extract more inductive                                 – from supplier
                               reactive power than prior to fault
                                                                                                              •   Plant certification  (Anlagenzertifikat)
                                                                                                                  – customer for plants > 1MVA

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