Page 222 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 222

The  simple  addition  of  a
            serpent as the handle instead
            of  a  dragon  or  bamboo  stem
            is a stroke of genius by Cum
            Wo .

            Creating dramatic silver wares
            is  like  being  a  theatrical  set
            designer  and  to  have  the
            serpent’s  head  peeking  over
            the  lip  of  the  jug  and  then
            have  the  serpent’s  tongue
            about  to  dart  out  into  the  jug
            is pure theatre.

            Using  a  jug  like  this  would
            bring joy every time.

                                                                             This circa 1900 standing cup  is to all
                                                                             intents  and  purposes  wholly
                                                                             traditional in style and its decorative
                                                                             component   elements. Yet compared
                                                                             with  the  many  other  Chinese  Export
                                                                             Silver  cups  produced,  this  cup  is
                                                                             visually quite apart.

                                                                             The  hexagonal  shape,  although  not
                                                                             revolutionary, is quite unusual in the
                                                                             context  of  cups.  The  large  expanse
                                                                             of  plain  highly  polished  ground  is
                                                                             not  usual  and  the  two-level
                                                                             hexagonal  base  supporting  the
                                                                             tripod bamboo stem is both unusual
                                                                             and contributes an elegance which is
                                                                             further  enhanced  by  the  slim
                                                                             bamboo  loop  handles  and  classical
                                                                             hexagonal base.

                                                                                             The  rooster  on
                                                                                             the  front  panel
                                                                                             happiness  and
                                                                                             abundance  as
                                                                                             well  as  being  a
                                                                                             s y m b o l   o f
                                                                                             masculinity.  The
                                                                                             rooster  is  one  of
                                                                                             the  12  animals  of
                                                                                             the  Chinese
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