Page 682 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 682

            Place of manufacture undocumented
            circa 1880-1920

            “Prevention is better than cure”, it is said, and the inclusion of this mark is simply to prevent help further errors
            being made on its identity.  This mark is not the mark of a Chinese silversmith. It is a  silver mark from India and
            for reasons unknown, the silversmith chose to create silver in the Chinese style. Tea sets have been known to
            come through auction houses and have been identified wrongly as being Chinese.

                                                                        What  might  look  like  a  Chinese  silver  tea
                                                                        caddy at first glance is deceiving.
                                                                        It  is  not  a  Chinese  mark;  I  have  strong
                                                                        doubts  if  it  was  ever  intended  to  be  a

                                                                        It certainly isn’t Chinese, even though the
                                                                        auction  house  that  sold  it  described  it  as
                                                                        “Chinese Export Silver Sterling”.

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