Page 301 - Chinese porcelains collected by Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Taft, Cincinnati, Ohio, by John Getz
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The following authorities, whose perusal will reward the deeper student,

                        have been used in compiling these pages

"A History and Description of Chinese Porce-       " Lung-ch'uan-yao, oder Altes Seladon-Porzel-
                                                         lan," Adolf Bernard Meyer. Berlin, 1 889.
     lains," by Cosmo Monkhouse, with notes by
                                                   "A Catalogue of Blue and While Nankin Porce-
    &W.S. Bushell, M.D. Cassell Co., Lon-
                                                         lain," by Sir Henry Thompson. London,
      don, 1901.                                         1878. (The Thompson Collection.)

"Ancient Porcelain: a Study in Chinese Mediae-     "Description and Historical Catalogue of a Col-
                                                         lection of Japanese and Chinese Paintings in
val Industry and Trade," by F. Hirth, Ph.D.              the British Museum," by William Anderson,
Hong-Kong, 1 888.                                         F.R.C.S.

"La Porcelaine de Chine," par O. du Sartel.        "Catalogue of Oriental Porcelain," Bethnal Green
                                                         Museum, Sir A. WoUaston Franks. Second
    &Morel Co., Paris, 1881.                            edition, 1878. (This collection is now in the
                                                         British Museum.)
"Oriental Ceramic Art," by S. W. Bushell, M.D.
    D. Applelon, New York, 1 897. (Collection      "A Sketch of the History of Ceramic Art in Chi-
    W.of T. Walters, Esq., Baltimore, U. S. A.)
                                                         na," by E. Alfred Hippisley. Extract from
W."Chinese Porcelains," by  G. Galland, with
                                                        the Report of the United States Museum for
notes by T. J. Larkin, 1902. London.                     1 900, Washington, D. C. Reprinted 1 902.

"Histoire et Fabrication de la Porcelaine Chi-     "Les Symboles et les Accessoires des Culte chez
                                                         ies Annamites," par G. Dumoutier, annaJes
noise," trcinslated by Stanislas Julien, with           du Musee Guimet. Paris, 1891.
notes and additions by Alphonse Salvetat.
Paris, 1856.                                       "Guide de 1'Amateur de Porcelaines et de Fai-
                                                        ences," Johann Georg Theodor Grasse.
"La Ceramique Chinoise," by M. Ernest Gran-              Dresden, 1 894.
     didier. Paris, 1 894. (Collection now at the
                                                   "Social Life of the Chinese," by the Rev. Justus
      Louvre.)                                          Doolittle. London, 1 868, Sampson Low,

"The Chinese Reader's Manual." by W. F.                Marston & Co.

     Mayer. London and Shanghai, 1874.             "Lettres Edifianles et Curieuse des Missions

"The Middle Kingdom," by S. Wells Williams.             Etrangeres," published by L'Abbe de Quer-
                                                        boeuf, Paris, last edition I 780-1 783; the let-
    New York, London, 86I 1                             ters of Pere d'Entrecolles, written in 1712
                                                        and I 722, are in Vols. 1 8 and 1 9.
" Histoire de la Ceramique," by Albert J. Jacque-
     mart ; etching by Jules Jacquemart. Paris,

"The Garland Collection of Chinese Porcelains,"

  hand-book, by John Getz. New York, I 895.

    (Metropolitan Museum of Art.)

mThe marks on porcelam are given vanous editions of Chaffers, and will also be found

in Hopper and Phillips's " Manual of Marks," and in Dr. J. G. Theodor Grasse's
work (German Edition), "Abriss der Geschichte des Porzellans und der Thongefasse,"

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