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The development of thick-glazed celadon was a major breakthrough in      青瓷厚釉工藝的發展是北方地區製瓷業在北宋晚期
ceramic productions in the late Northern Song dynasty. According to      的一項重要技術創新。陶瓷考古學家秦大樹在其《鈞
ceramic archaeologist Qin Dashu, the Ru ware at Qingliangsi village,     窯始燒年代考》一文中提到:「這項工藝要求先將
Baofeng county first employed this technique in producing fine bluish-   器物素燒,然後多次施釉,再進行釉燒。據現有材
green celadon wares, exclusively for the Northern Song court. This       料,可認定其是在汝窯首創。」宋金時期,此一工
technique soon proliferated to celadon kilns in central Henan region     藝為河南中部包括汝州,禹州,以及魯山在內的各
including kilns in Ruzhou, Yuzhou, and Lushan. The present quzhi cup     窯廠廣泛應用。本件青釉屈卮以其半透明的開片釉
with its fine crackled semi-opaque glaze was probably produced at        面或可定為大峪東溝窯產品。大峪東溝窯位於汝州
Donggou kiln in Ruzhou city. Ruzhou has a long tradition of celadon      市內,臨近禹州,寶豐,以及同在汝州的張公巷窯。
production. The early products display features of Yaozhou celadon       汝州素有青瓷燒造傳統,其早期產品在裝飾以及釉
in terms of decoration and glaze type, and is named after the old        質上都具有耀州青瓷的特徵,被稱為臨汝窯。北宋
administrative name of Ruzhou as Linru ware. In the late Northern        晚期,汝州地區的窯廠脫離耀州窯的影響,獨創一
Song period, potters in Ruzhou created new types of celadon to           種厚釉青瓷。如本件屈卮所示,此種青釉的玉質感
overcome limitations of Yaozhou-type glaze. The thick, semi-opaque       為傳統臨汝青釉所不能企及。
glaze, as represented by the present piece, enriched the visual appeal
of celadon and renders a jade-like tactile quality.                      屈卮的造型源於金屬器。北宋晚期在一些高水平的
The quzhi cup of the present form is modelled after metal wares. Metal   金銀器器形。 這些器物都是高檔產品,供達官貴人
forms such as barbed-rim dish, shallow oblong plate with lobed rim,      乃至宮廷使用。台北故宮博物院的蔡玫芬指出屈卮
and quzhi cup were popular among major Northern kilns in the Song-       為北宋、南宋與金朝皆盛行的官方酒器;亦為南宋
Jin period. These products are often of high quality and were most       接待金使所用。同類器物可參照台北故宮博物院所
likely commissioned by the wealthy social elites or even the court.      藏定窯屈卮,為芒口覆燒,著錄於蔡玫芬,《定州
Tsai Meifen from the National Palace Museum pointed out that quzhi       花瓷院藏定窯系白瓷特展》,台北,2014,147 頁。
cups of the present form were official wine vessels in both Song and     一件與本品同為滿釉支釘燒製的鈞窯屈卮著錄於《中
Jin dynasties and were used by the Southern Song court to entertain      國出土瓷器全集》,北京,2008,卷 12,155 頁。南
delegates from the Jin court. A Ding ware quzhi cup, likely to have      方窯口的例子可參照一件出土於湖州的青釉屈卮,
been fired on its mouth rim, from the National Palace Museum, Taipei,    應為龍泉窯黑胎青瓷,著錄於《中國出土瓷器全
is illustrated and discussed in Tsai Meifen, Decorated Porcelains of     集》,北京,2008,卷 9,191 頁。
Dingzhou. White Ding Wares from the collection of the National Palace
Museum, Taipei, 2014, p. 147. A Jun ware quzhi cup, showing three
large spur marks on the underside base, is illustrated in Zhongguo
chutu ciqi quanji (Complete Collection of Ceramic Art Unearthed in
China), Beijing, 2008, vol. 12, p. 155. Compare also a dark-bodied
Longquan version that was fired on a ring foot, illustrated in Zhongguo
chutu ciqi quanji (Complete Collection of Ceramic Art Unearthed in
China), Beijing, 2008, vol. 9, p. 191.

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