Page 21 - Multifarious Enamels Chiense Art.pdf
P. 21
fig. 8 Troating for Deer by Giuseppe Castiglione (1688-1768).
Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing
ॱՋ 㒢ˠഔ䢮 䢯 Ǘ߂㶏ॱǘǎ ٫̺ᐅ೫ښḵ㡗ⳉި
Shihuangdi (221-207 BC), is thought to have conceived the initial 㒴Ͱ᥅ᥩപϭ⟰㶏㨣䢲㡙̞㶏̃䢲७ˮ㑰ᕖ
design for the Shanglin Park to the west and south-west of the ܍ঃ㐾Ϝⅲଁ⩇₢⫁ǏὊ⏥₢ἄ䢲で⿉/ 5JUMFZ
capital Chang’an (modern Xi’an), and the Upper Grove Park near
his palace was used partly as a leisure park and partly as a hunting
䢮іᐜ䣀૯⩹ॱᕊ㩉䢲 䢯ǐ㡷ᕧⓧ̣͞ܡ˹
park. The Han dynasty Emperor Wudi (140-87 BC) expanded this
park and had artificial lakes created within it. Some of the pools ᵭຠ䢮ՌԬ ⦰ ໝॼΨ䢯̷ᕍॼ㩾㓅ᨁ㡫
were specifically dug to provide water for the deer, which were
among the animals and plants brought to the imperial park from
㶏ǐ٫࿒䢮ՌԬ ⦰ ໝॼΨ䢯ܔូᶥ
all over China (see N. Titley and F. Wood, Oriental Gardens, British
Library, London, 1991, p. 72). The second Sui dynasty emperor ⻯ᑞ㐤७䢲Ւ㟚ഥྼ⩜Շ㨩㨳̞܍Ὂ⏥₢ἄ䢲
(Emperor Yang 㡷ᵭຠ AD 598-618) ordered the construction of Ւˮ˙̆ި܍₢ⅲ㶏ǐॼڙ㓅৬ᖢ䢲ܡ
a similar park outside his capital at Luoyang, into which he too ⅳଦ㐽७䢲⡊Ǘ㪏ۿ᧖⟕㐽〦ǘ̷ᕍዠԬ͞⾾
commanded deer to be brought. The Northern Song emperor
Huizong (AD 1101-26) was another enthusiastic builder of gardens,
and the imperial garden at Kaifeng contained many different types 䢲˞ި૨ូ䢲ᆵ͠⦪Ϝᒶྼ⩇७Շ˙ۿᆘ➚
of deer amongst its varied animal inhabitants. The Southern Song ⅲԬ♘䢲᳦̑ⅴ६ἁዠϭ̞ἁḵǐ
emperors also enjoyed gardens at their capital at Hangzhou, and
Marco Polo’s Travels mentions a large park on the shores of West ᒀॼՆ˹ˮۈ̃ע䢲ᕖ♴❎ⅲẗἁˏ↿ᒶ᭸ᑬᐷ
Lake containing many types of deer in the Yuan dynasty. Deer
٪ⅲ㕵⿀♴ᆓ㒴Ͱǐⅴ૱᜴䢮 ⦰ ໝॼ
became well established in Chinese imperial gardens and parks
for their visual attractiveness and interesting variety, but also to
provide sport for imperial hunting parties. ໝॼ᱙㡫䢮⦪ ໝ㈯ᆓ᳦᭸᪹⻍ᐂˮ࿘䢯
〴⒤६ǐ ໝ䢲͔؝㡣э⻍ẗἁ̃ᐅ䣀Ǚျ
Even prior to their conquest of China, organised hunts were an
intrinsic part of Manchu culture. In 1630 Hong Taiji (who as
successor to Nurhaci became the second emperor of the Qing 〕䢲⩮⇞᪡⭷⦰䢲ם᪹ೣᭋ̲̃ᑽ̷˙㑐≸䢲で
dynasty 1636-43) established a hunting ground near Shenyang, ⿉ᢜ⒤ע㏽⮏ηǗ&NQFSPS 2JBOMPOH ě 4PO