Page 17 - Multifarious Enamels Chiense Art.pdf
P. 17
fig. 5 A Hundred Deer by Ignatius Sichelbarth (1708-1780). Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei
ॱ̩ ⨞ࠜ⯄ ǎǗⅮ㶏ॱǘǎ४⒤ᐅ೫ښḵ㡗ⳉި
Autumn Forest ⏯ᗆ⟰㶏ॱ , also sold by Christie’s Hong Kong in ₤ˮዠଣॼǗ᨞〚᠒ǘⅬήⅲˏ⓹〦㙼䢲Ǘ᨞〚᠒ǘ
May 2005, lot 1207 (fig. 6), were much admired by the Qianlong ˾♞⎲৬Շف䢮✼┹ⅴೣ૯റ̢ف䢯㎝˗㨳࿘
Emperor. It is especially interesting to note similarities between
the scene depicted in Deer in an Autumn Forest and that on the
current vase and others in the blue-handled group. A number
of the stances of the deer appear on both the porcelain and the 㐤ᑞ̖㡲׀ໝ䢲˩ዠ̖ۢ㡲˕ໝ䢮 ໝ䢯Սᕕ
painted silk. The depiction of ancient pine trees with twisted Ǘ᨞〚᠒ǘⅲˏ⓹〦㙼䣀Ǚ᧴ྐⅮ⎰㢳⡩ബˏͬ䢲
trunks appear on both, and in the foreground of the hanging scroll
are rocks of bluish-green and a small stream reminiscent of those
㡲᧴ྐǘ㦓 ⛷ⴽ 䢯ǐ༩ᤧዃႲⴷⅲǙⅮ⎰ǚ
seen on the vases.
While discussing the pair of blue-handled deer vases in the
⇂ͱ䢲˩Ꭿഩ̣ബᑚ᳦͞ ໝⅲηިǐႥ㦚
collection of the National Palace Museum, Taiepei, in the
catalogue for the exhibition Stunning Decorative Porcelains from
the Ch’ien-lung ReignǗ⬹㶦ྐ⁅ – ̖㡲᧴ྐǘ, op. cit., the curator
Liao Baoxiu ༩ഡ⏨ notes a reference in the Huojii dang ᨞〚᠒ , ⁅ᓣ㜒⒋̯⟞ǘ㦓 ⛷ⴽ 䢮ॱˑ䢯ǐബ
which incorporates the original records of all works undertaken ⅲ䢲⧀ᆵᕖҷˠⳇ⡩Ⅾ㶏ബ䢮ᆘᆵᕖ㍨ັ
by the Construction Office of the Yangxindian ( 㨳࿘ᣩ Hall of
Mental Cultivation in the Forbidden City), which exclusively served
the Qing imperial family. Liao notes that ‘hundred blessings’
Ⅾ⎰ vases (which she refers to as jars - zun ➣ - because their ᕖ́ቋ֨䢲̖㡲ⅴᑞ ໝ၇࿂ⅴೣ⏯ἁ䢲᷂㐤
form originated in ancient bronze vessels) were made early in Ⅾ㶏ബᆘᒶ᳦ぺᄞǐ᪹܂പᢜ⒤䢮.BSL
the Qianlong reign. Liao draws attention to an entry in the Huoji
&MMJPU䢯ほ᳦䢲̖㡲ⅴՒഓᒶॼ ໝ၇࿂⻍ἁ䢲で
dang relating to the sixth month of the third year of the Qianlong
reign (1738) which mentions a ‘hundred blessings’ vase and the
command for another to be fired, but without handlesǙ᧴ྐⅮ⎰㢳 .BO PG UIF 8PSMEǘ㦓 䢮♈☼䣀 䢯ǐ٫̺ᐅ
⡩➣ˏͬ䢲ᵨូ᷂㐤˙⿀⡩ಠǚ(see Stunning Decorative Porcelains ೫Ὂⳉ ໝ㒢ˠഔηǗ߂㶏ॱǘ䢮ॱՋ䢯䢲ۿ