Page 13 - Multifarious Enamels Chiense Art.pdf
P. 13
fig. 1 A pair of yangcai ‘hundred deer’ vases with blue-enamelled handles. Qianlong marks and period.
Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei
ॱˏ ᪹̖㡲ǎ⌘⣐᧴ྐⳇ⡩Ⅾ㶏ബˏയǎ४⒤ᐅ೫ښḵ㡗ⳉިǎ
ෝറཽ૱ 1879-1945 - and now in the Seikadō Bunko Art Museum, ⧃ⳉ䢲ॱ⿉Ǘ㤔ࢦਕⳉ᪹ᕧ㡦⁅ᓣ㜒⒋̯⟞ǘ
is illustrated in the catalogue Seikadō zō Shinchō tōji. Keitokuchin ॱ㙼㦓 ⛷ⴽ 䢮ᖥ̺䣀 䢯ǐ ໝ ᕕ䢲
kanyō no bi Ǘ㤔ࢦਕⳉ ᪹ᕧ㡦⁅ᓣ㜒⒋̯⟞ǘ Qing porcelain
in the Seikado collection - Beauty from the Imperial Kiln at
ⴽ 䢯ǐ
Jingdezhen), Tokyo, 2006, p. 68, no. 58. A further Qianlong deer
vase with blue handles was sold by Christie’s Hong Kong in May
2005, lot 2188.
ଫຆ㷓ωૈྴ ໝ ᕕ ᑽሠˏϡ䢲ሠި
There is considerable variety amongst extant Qianlong ‘hundred
deer’ vases. The most frequently seen examples have red and
gilt handles, such as the example sold at Christie's Paris, 13
December 2017, lot 98 (fig. 2); there is a small group with blue ⭷ກ㦧૯ǐॏ䢲㨫ⳇ⡩ⅲ˖̊̃ηീ᳦⑪֨䢲ॏ
handles, including the current vase, and occasional examples ᳦о˙ӆኽ̞⇂ܔⅲᾫῙྐᑃݸ㧰䢲⟰㶏൶
without handles. Both the layout of the design and the quality ᗆⅲΤ̷ˏុˏូǐ⩮で؟യ٫̺ᐅ೫Ǐ܀٫
of the painting are somewhat variable between the groups. It is
significant, therefore, that the especially fine examples with blue
handles all have the same enamels, painting style and disposition
of deer, trees and landscape. Careful comparison of the designs ٫̺Ǐ܀٫ݸڙ̺ⳉި⇂䢲ᕴሠިݸ㤔ࢦਕⳉި
on the Beijing Palace Museum, National Palace Museum, Nanjing 㟢ᆘᕒയ゠㢩㶏ⅲ㧐⨓䢲ଫⅭᕎ͞㈠⽤䢲ۥ̷̃
and Seikado vases with the current vase show identical depiction
– the only difference being the occasional swapping of colours
(white for russet, and vice versa) between some of the hinds on the
current vase and that in the Seikado collection when compared
to the vases in Beijing, Taipei and Nanjing. The positions and
painting style of the deer are the same on all the blue-handled ٫̺೫ངⅲപᜬηওґḓᕒഩᾫῙྐᑃⅬྤᓣ㜒
vases, only the colours are occasionally exchanged. ྼ⒋䢲ܔᓁ᳦̑೫Շ❡⁅ηওϭᅠᾫῙྐᑃǐᒀᑞ