Page 12 - Multifarious Enamels Chiense Art.pdf
P. 12
Rosemary Scott,
Senior International Academic Consultant Asian Art,
Asian Art
This magnificent vase belongs to a very small group of imperial Ⅾ⎰ڋ㹏䣀
Qianlong ‘hundred deer’ vases, which are of exceptional quality
and have blue-enamelled archaistic dragon handles highlighted ᪹̖㡲 ⌘⣐᧴ྐⳇ⡩Ⅾ㶏ബ
in yellow enamel. Both the Beijing Palace Museum and the Taipei
National Palace Museum have examples of these blue-handle ㇔᪨४㢄ೀ⻒㧣ࠑǎ̯ᨕⳔ⻒㒴
‘hundred deer’ vases in their collections. The pair of blue-handled
deer vases in the collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei, 㐝ͬ⚁ω⁅൲ᑞˏറᇟ̖㡲ྼ⽖Ⅾ㶏ബ䢲Ւѷ
was included in the exhibition Stunning Decorative Porcelains
from the Ch’ien-lung ReignǗ⬹㶦ྐ⁅ – ̖㡲᧴ྐǘ, held in Taipei
in 2008 and was illustrated in the exhibition catalogue on pages ٫ᐅ೫Ὂⳉˮ䢲ᕖ㐝ᢍⳇ⡩Ⅾ㶏ബǐ܀٫ᕍᑞ
156-8, exhibit 51 (fig. 1) with further discussion by curator Liao ໝ⧂⻍Ǘ⬹㶦ྐ⁅䣀̖㡲᧴ྐǘൢ䢲ൢި
Baoxiu ༩ഡ⏨ on page 25. An example from the collection of
the Palace Museum, Beijing, is illustrated in Feng Xianming 㪑
Ա㘝 and Geng Baochang ⡳ഡᒛ (eds.) Selected Porcelain of the ൢި ⴽ䢮ॱˏ䢯䢲┈ൢ́༩ഡ⏨⇂㠛ⅲ
Flourishing Qing Dynasty at the Palace Museum Ǘᐅ೫ښḵ㡗ⳉ ኾ〝㍭ᑞⓧ 㦓ǐ٫̺ᐅ೫̑ᕖˏͬ㏩Κϡ䢲ॱ
᪹↪ˠ⁅㑤☀ǘ, Hong Kong, 1994, p. 279, no. 12. Another blue-
handled deer vase, which was probably originally housed either in
the Fengtian Palace ( ଃ૰೫ , now known as the Shenyang Palace ⁅㑤☀ǘ㦓 ⛷ⴽ 䢮㪁䣀 䢯ǐ۷ˏϡ
᱙㡫ᐅ೫ in Liaoning province) or in the Rehe Palace ( ᶥᦪ⻍೫ , ⳇ⡩Ⅾ㶏ബᅠᒶଃ૰೫䢮͎㑨ഔ᱙㡫ᐅ೫䢯ᆘᶥᦪ
now known as the Chengde Summer Palace ᇥ㑫ᓿ൶⫦ in
Hebei province), and is today part of the collection of the Nanjing
Museum, was included in a joint exhibition with the Art Gallery, ښḵ㡗Ὂⳉ䢲ᕍॼて㡗 ໝ⢌ܔ㪁ˮᐷ૯
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Qing Imperial Porcelain of ೀᐷḵ㩉⧂㏇ⅲǗ᪹͞༑㢪̖⒋⁅ࣰǘൢ̼⇂䢲
the Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong Reigns, 1995, catalogue, no.
で⿉ॱ㙼⛷ⴽ ǐ㤔ࢦਕᐷ༆⟞⻒㩉Ὂⳉˏϡ
86. A Qianlong deer vase with blue handles from the collection
̖㡲ⳇ⡩Ⅾ㶏ബ䢲ᬜᑞගෝཽ̃إ⁸Ḍ䢮 ⦰
assembled by two members of the Iwasaki family – Baron Iwasaki
Yanosuke ( ගෝཽ̃إ 1851-1908) and Baron Iwasaki Koyata ( ග ໝ䢯⧀ගෝറཽ૱⁸Ḍ䢮 ⦰ ໝ䢯