Page 15 - Multifarious Enamels Chiense Art.pdf
P. 15
fig. 3 A falangcai ‘flowers and butterflies’ vase. fig. 4 A falangcai ‘kui dragons’ bowl. Qianlong mark and period.
Qianlong mark and period. Sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 1 June 2011, lot 3650
Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing ॱो ᪹̖㡲ǎᾫῙྐૣ㹩♃↡ǎ㪁ωૈྴǎ ໝ ᕕ ᑽǎሠި ⴽ
ॱ˕ ᪹̖㡲ǎᾫῙྐⳇ♞ঃ⩇⸗♃⁄ǎ
blue and yellow, as they are on the handles of the ‘hundred deer’ 㚢⭷ᕖ⦱䢲Ւ㟢ᗆ⒤Ǐ⚷៉ᆓⱂ䢲⓹ჍዼᲔ✰
vases. ៸ǐ䢲൶ᗆ᪹ᬲ̷ؽഘഓ䢲η⡅ᕇ㠠⑤
Not only is the quality of the enamels used on these vases 㟢䢲ㅒ⟰㶏ྸྫྷ౪ᆫ䢲ॱ₶ྴ₤ǐ⁄㌪⟰㶏⎘
exceptional, the quality of the painting is clearly achieved by ჷ⦪ᵁǏؽ㤔⇂㢍䢲؟˖ोݙⅲ൶᥅ᙂ䢲ᴰ˙ϕ
exceptionally skilled ceramic decorators; probably from amongst ́⢌Ⴒ㈯᧖ດ●̯⡬⑇ᕒҷᐓૈ⨞ࠜ⯄䢮*HOBUJVT
the admired artists who were co-opted to paint on imperial
porcelains either at the Jingdezhen kilns or the Beijing ateliers.
The ceramic artist working on this vase has created very effective 䢮ॱ̩䢯䢲ή᳦܀٫४⒤ᐅ೫ښḵ㩉Ὂⳉǐらᵁ䢲
juxtapositions of delicate detail in the grasses, undergrowth ᴰゲᒶ́㊀ᖧᵁⅲ൶᥅Ⅾ㶏ॱ䢮ଫ⨞ᤧǗⅮ㶏ॱǘ䢯䢲
and the deer themselves, with the bold treatment of the rocks
and trees. The layout of the design is also skilful in the way that
the landscape, vegetation, and streams are naturalistic whilst
providing perfect clearings in which the deer can be placed 㒢ˠഔ䢮(JVTFQQF $BTUJHMJPOF䢲 ໝ䢯
to best visual advantage. The natural, playful, way in which ᆵηǗ⪁㕶㲌⏯ǘۢǗ⏯ᗆ⟰㶏ǘ䢲ע⡅⚯㪁ω
the deer interact with each other on the vase, as well as the ૈྴᑞ ໝ ᕕሠ֨䢮ሠި⛷ⴽ 䢯䢲ྯ⡅
type of landscape in which they appear, is reminiscent of the
̷ᑞ㪁ωૈྴॼ ໝ ᕕᆓ̵䢮ሠި⛷ⴽ
imperial handscroll A Hundred Deer Ⅾ㶏ॱ by the Bohemian
Jesuit missionary Ignatius Sichelbarth ( ⨞ࠜ⯄ Ai Qimeng 1708- 䢯ǐ㩮⧁ݣⅲᒶ䢲Ǘ⏯ᗆ⟰㶏ǘ䢮ॱՍ䢯ⅲ
1780), which is preserved in the collection of the National Palace 㤚⧀ᕴሠިۢՒ㏩Κϡ㦧᳦㏩ǐՒˮᐪ㶏ⅲ⎘ჷ䢲
Museum, Taipei (fig. 5). Indeed, images of deer in landscape, ॼ⁅ബݸ⚚ᕴηᕖ֨ήǐՉ⡅❡↱㮛ⵋᕅⅲ
without human figures, such as Ignatius Sichelbarth’s A Hundred
Deer, and images of smaller numbers of deer, such as the painting
Autumn Cries on the Artemesis Plain ⪁㕶㲌⏯ by the most ᆵ⿉㑋⇂ݫᅠǐ
famous of the European missionary artists, Giuseppe Castiglione
(Chinese name Lang Shining 㒢ˠഔ 1688-1766), sold by Christie’s ॼע㏽Ǘ⬹㶦ྐ⁅䣀̖㡲᧴ྐǘॱ㙼ˮ䢲┈ൢ́
Hong Kong in April 2000, lot 518, and Castiglione’s Deer in an ༩ഡ⏨ᕍኾ〝܀٫४⒤ᐅ೫ⅲˏയⳇ⡩Ⅾ㶏ബ䢲