Page 14 - Multifarious Enamels Chiense Art.pdf
P. 14
fig. 2 A yangcai ‘hundred deer’ vase with iron-red handles. Qianlong mark and period.
Sold at Christie’s Paris, 13 December 2017, lot 98
ॱ̣ ᪹̖㡲ǎ⌘⣐᧴ྐ㛵㕹⍫☽⡩Ⅾ㶏ബǎຆ㷓ωૈྴǎ ໝ ᕕ ᑽǎሠި ⴽ
The quality of the enamels which have been used to decorate 㢪Սໝ䢮 ໝ䢯䢲᪹᠒യຄᕖ〦㍭䢲㧛Κ
this vase is particularly high. It is worth noting that enamels ⅲႎᦷᆘ〶̷㑗ᑞ̖㡲ᕧⅲ㕵ࣰǐᒶ䢲ᕴሠ
were on occasion sent to the imperial kilns at Jingdezhen from
the specialist imperial ateliers in Beijing, which also supplied the
enamels to the porcelain painting workshops in the palace. This is ྐ⁅૯૨ኽᓢ㐞ⅲⳇྐ䢲⡊ᕴሠިⅲⳇྐ㍨ᗲݸ
recorded in a palace memorandum as early as the sixth year of the ᒝᯬǐՒ⁄⡩ⅲⳇ⨓䢲̷⿉ᑞᐅ೫Ὂⳉᐪϡ̖㡲
Yongzheng reign (1728), and it is likely that similar provision would ᾫῙྐ⁄ⅲ㌹㑆㚙♃ǐ͠⨓᳦ঃⅲ⁅ബ䢲ۿ۞
have been made for important commissions in the Qianlong reign.
⿉Ǘᐅ೫ښḵ㡗ⳉᐷḵὊިՈ㢣 䣀ὍὼྐǏ◡
The especially rich blue of the handles on this vase, and the small
number of others in the group, is unusual. It is a somewhat softer, ྐǘ㦓 ⛷ⴽ 䢮㪁䣀 䢯䢮⛷ⴽ
clearer blue than the basic cobalt enamel seen on the majority 䢲ॱ˕䢯ǐബ⡩ⅲ㐝ሏⳇྐ䢲̑⧀㨫㷌ྐ⹁♃⧀
of famille rose porcelains. However, the blue of the handles can
also be seen as a sgraffito ground on a small number of Qianlong
falangcai vases preserved in the palace collections. Vases with
this ground are, for example, illustrated in Porcelain with Cloisonne 㑦㈌ຆ㷓ܑ⟞४⒤̯ᨕⳔ⻒ښḵ㩉䢲ॱ⿉ 9BWJFS
Enamel Decoration and Famille Rose, The Complete Collection of #FTTF ᆵ ⮏Ǘ-B $IJOF EFT QPSDFMBJOFTǘ 㦓
Treasures of the Palace Museum, vol. 39, Hong Kong, 1999, pp.
⛷ⴽ 䢮ຆ㷓䣀 䢯䣁۷ˏ↡᳦ˮ㕶૱
36-38, nos. 29-31. (no. 30, fig. 3) The blue used on the handles
㒢⧃ⳉ䢲⚯㪁ωૈྴᑞ ໝ ᕕሠ֨䢮ሠި
is also strikingly similar in tone to that which provides the solid
background colour to two Qianlong falangcai bowls decorated ⛷ⴽ 䢯䢮ॱो䢯ǐ㦧Ἥݣⅲᒶ䢲̣↡̑ኽ
with yellow chi dragons and flowers. One of these bowls was ̞Ⅾ㶏ബ㢳⡩ⅲⳇ㷌̣ྐ᳦˹⨓ǐ
bequeathed by Ernest Grandidier (1833-1912) to the Musée
national des artes asiatiques-Guimet in Paris (Illustrated by Xavier 㐝㧛Ⅾ㶏ബ˙ӆ͠★⽖ᾫῙྐᑃ⿉㟌䢲Ւ̞̃
Besse in La Chine des porcelaines, Paris, 2004, p. 127, no. 49),
while the other, formerly in the collection of Chutaro Nakano, was
sold by Christie’s Hong Kong in June 2011, Lot 3650 (fig. 4). It ᆘॼᓣ㜒ྼ⒋⁅䢲ᆘϭ⢓ᑞ೫ངηওǐ⚯㑁
may be significant that the predominant colours on the bowls are ສⅲ⩯࿘⚯᷌䢲ᕴሠިⅲ⫁ᕱݸ⟰㶏♢╈חՆ࿇Ǐ