Page 38 - Multifarious Enamels Chiense Art.pdf
P. 38



         Rosemary Scott,
         Senior International Academic Consultant Asian Art,
         Asian Art

         This exquisite vase is not only decorated with a particularly beautiful   㐽ἔᦾ൶䣀
         landscape depicting elegant buildings beside the water, it also bears a
         fourteen-character quotation from one of the Qianlong Emperor’s own poems.  ᪹̖㡲   ⌘⣐᧴ྐ

         The inscription on the vase reads:                              㚙˖᪱⩇ྼ㧍た
         ೝ́Ḓᤷ㡹עᓣ ㍭ᆔᆶ⧓₝⼲⻍
         This may be translated as:
         ‘In the crisp and refreshing air;                               ⳹ἯῚ
         With this landscape on my doorstep,                             ㇔᪨४㢄ೀ⻒㧣ࠑǎ̯ᨕⳔ⻒㒴
         I set sail in a small boat
         On my journey through this beautiful picture.’

         This is followed by an iron-red seal mark reading ‘Qianlong’.   ᢬̖㡲⁄ި⇂ω଻䢲ᆵ❡൶᥅ឭ㟯⑤㤉⏨
         The quotation is taken from a poem entitled: Ǘ㐽ἔᦾ൶⿉⏯ᆓぺࡊǘ’In     㐳Ǐ㚢⭷ᕖ⦱ǐ⁄⢵㧍̖㡲ྼ⽖ˑ〕た
         celebration of autumn harvest when travelling to the Jade Spring Hill’.  The   ̣۶䣀Ǚೝ́Ḓᤷ㡹עᓣ䢲㍭ᆔᆶ⧓₝⼲
         whole poem appears in The Complete Compilation of Leshan Tang Ǘស࠶ਕ  ⻍ǐǚ۶ᕳ⭷ˏᑜǙ̖㡲ǚ⣧⣹ྐ╋ᕊڪǐ
         Ո㢣〖ᕴǘincluded in The Complete Collection of Qianlong Prose and Poetry,   Ոたܕ᳦Ǘ㐽ἔᦾ൶⿉⏯ᆓぺࡊǘ䢲֨⦪
         volume oneǗ᪹㭙೘ྼ⽖たᐷՈ㢣ǘⓧˏ՝ .  The Complete Compilation of
         Leshan Tang was first published in the 1736, and again in 1757 (fig. 1).
         The Leshan tang (Hall of Delight in Doing Good) was the study of Prince   ᑞ      ໝ׀ḛ䢲     ໝ՞ḛ䢮ॱˏ䢯ǐ
         Hongli (fig. 2), who later ruled as the Qianlong Emperor.  The study was
         located in the north-west part of the Forbidden City in a secluded corner   Ǚស࠶ਕǚ˾ⅴಠཝᔦڭΨ᳦̖㡲ຠ̃ע
         just in front of the prince’s own residence.  Shortly after his 19th birthday, in   ⅲᕊ㸺䢮ॱ̣䢯䢲Ψᑞ♞⎲৬⾾٫䢲ᒶՒ
         1730, Prince Hongli presented to the court an anthology of the work he had
                                                                         Ϊᆵעⅲˏⴷ໥㤔ᆵॼǐ     ໝ䢲ཝᔦ
         undertaken as part of his education in the previous seven years.  This included
         essays, poems, historical notes, letters, examination exercises, colophons and
         other material.  A lacquer case containing prefaces to this anthology, written   ⛷❸ᆓᕊ䢲㐭ἆᕧངǐᕊˮᏻ㙼̞㢶ᐷǏ
         by fourteen different members of the court, is inscribed on the exterior:   た㇮Ǐ܂ゲǏПᕵǏ⚯をǏ໴㉬⓼䢲˙ˏ
         Prefaces to the Anthology of Studies from the Hall of Delight in Doing GoodǗស  ⡊㉚ǐ٫̺ᐅ೫Ὂⳉˏ㷖᭿ዠ╀䢲૥חǗស
         ࠶ਕᐷ㖱໴ǘand is preserved in the Palace Museum, Beijing (illustrated in   ࠶ਕᐷ㖱໴ǘ䢲Շᕖډोܕ἖Ռ૯⦣η໴䢲
         Zhang Hongxing, The Qianlong Emperor – Treasures from the Forbidden City,   ॱ⿉཯ཝᒩ⮏ηǗ5IF 2JBOMPOH &NQFSPS
         Edinburgh, 2002, pp. 34-5, no. 4).
                                                                         ě 5SFBTVSFT GSPN UIF 'PSCJEEFO $JUZǘ
         The name Leshan tang was inspired by the works of the great Chinese   㦓      ⛷ⴽ  䢮თːਫ䣀    䢯ǐ

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